The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114

thread heads : Forum : Unleashed

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

Louise was enjoying a cup of tea when her table shook, causing her tea to spill. The cause of the tremor had come from the commotion outside. 
"This may be New York, but that's no reason to be noisy," Louise said, her face darkening. "Stay here while I take care of some... business, Scorn.," Louise said, and opened her door to find the cause of the racket. 

Louise saw two girls running away from a guy who was in quite the fury. 
A light Gamma, and a dark Gamma. I think I'll help the Light because the Dark one interrupted my tea time, Louise thought, walking out of her house slowly.
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Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

(now why would we want that?)  (Hell no! NO ONE MESSES WITH TEA TIME!) Mateo and Kristoff were happy to be back home and were watching as some dancers were still practicing. “Watch this,” Kristoff said joking about his inability to see. Kristoff had snuck in when everyone went on break and then started to switch things around inside people belongings having the time of his life. Mateo and Baby observed and then saw Emilie look through her things to find her toe shoes stolen. “Where the f**k are my  pointe shoes?” Emilie swore. She then charging over to Katie who was watching Anthony smooth-talk to Anastasia considering they were a couple. “Something wrong?” Katie asked but was answered with a huge slap across her face. Katie fell to the floor and then got up to Emilie. “What the hell was that for?” Emilie asked holding her cheek still bleeding red. Emilie went to go dig inside Katie’s things and then wasn’t surprised to find her pointe shoes hidden within. “You’re one playful b***h. Oh hey Anastasia did you know Katie was screwing your man?” Emilie said knowing Katie was out to get her. “What?!” Anastasia yelled getting up and slapping Anthony and running out of the room. “Wait! You were with him?” Pierre asked getting up. “Why the hell do you care?” Julianne asked getting up. “I-I don’t,” Pierre said turning red. Julianne like other girls was pissed but unlike other girls a punch satisfied her anger as she stormed out of the room.
  Mateo and Kristoff burst out in laughter not having the ability to contain themselves. The whole scene was priceless. “Aaaah!” Mateo and Kristoff heard the scream and then looked out through peepholes drilled in as they looked outside to the New York City streets. “Hey isn’t that-” Mateo asked. “Who?” Kristoff asked not being able to see. “Our little toy seems to be chased by a dark Gama,” Mateo said looking outside. They then turned the corner and disappeared. “There’s another dark gama but I don’t think she’s chasing the Light,” Mateo added. “Not chasing the light?” Kristoff asked. “Yeah, this whole thing is weird,” Mateo said frowning as he sat down eating his apple. “Yes it is, but that’s how it is,” Kristoff said trying to forget that a Dark would help a light, unless that Dark wouldn’t care for no one but herself and perhaps others, they were destroyers. “Well, we’re Dark gamas, no question about it,” Mateo said. “Yes, that reminds me, I’ve been trying to improve my sunglasses,” Kristoff said. “To what?” Mateo asked. “To actually be able to see,” Kristoff said. “Why?” Mateo asked. “You’re fine without it.” “I actually want to see who I’m killing you know,” Kristoff said. “Wow, you like the spilling blood sight huh?” Mateo asked. “Gets me frisky,” Kristoff muttered.

Vampire or Dragon?

11 Years Ago

Shion tried weaving her way out of town in the most deserted parts of New York but with all the tourists it was being proven difficult. As she took one step, her foot sunk making her fall on her side. She heard the sound of roaring, turning she saw the same happening to Nezumi. But his six tails were flailing and ripping at the ground which began to turn black and pull him down. Shion tried escaping but her mouth was covered pulling her under. She found herself falling, Nezumi falling as well but appearing knocked out. 
'Captured in my web.' a voice said. 
Shion looked around frantically. She then felt a stabbing pain in her shoulder, pulling her towards a light. 

Nezumi stabbed Shion in the shoulder making her eyes bolt open. Shion tried getting up but found herself pinned to the snow with a knife repeatedly stabbing into her shoulder. She grabbed onto his wrist and stopped him from stabbing. 
"Aw you were asleep too." Nezumi said and pushed down, his strength over powering her. Yaksha appeared from her jacket, hissing and lunging at Nezumi. Nezumi pressed down on Shion's wound making her grip falter on his wrist and he slashed at the little creature who squeaked before sliding to the side. 
"Yaksha!" Shion cried. Her pupils became slit once more as Nezumi went for another stab. This time, Shion's hand covered in scales and her nails growing longer in length, turning black. Shion's teeth lengthened as she shoved Nezumi off in an easy shove and loomed over him. She then roared through the sky. Once done, Shion grabbed Nezumi and Yaksha, bolting from place hoping all would forget what to saw.  

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

By the time Louise got outside, the light gamma had released herself from the dark gamm's grip and transformed into something else, taking her red ferret and pounding off. Louise just shrugged whatever, not my problem.  
Lousie went and patted Scorn on his head. "people are so weird some times," Lousie said. 
Scorn looked but at her as if to say you're one to talk. 
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say Scorn," Louise said, laughing as she sat back down in her chair for an evening read. 


Yume looked up from her map and said, "This must be the place." 
The place looming in front of her was different than what she was used to since she had been living with reletives, but now that she had finally convinced her family that she was old enough, she was able to go and find her sister and live wit her for their last year of high school. Yume took a deep breath and stepped out from the train. She had her dog by her side and built up her courage to go and ask a stranger , "Excuse me, but do you know where xxxx st is?" 
The stranger looked at her and frowned slightly then said, " Just that way miss. Be careful. New York's a dangerous place for a pretty little lass such as your self."
Yume just smiled in replied then walked in the direction the stranger had said. "It's not my fault that I'm small for my size," Yume said unhappily as she walked down the street. 
She sighed and ruffled Que's hair as a nice reminder that she wasn't alone. 

She walked some time u til she got to the address. "Well ,this should be it," Yume said, straightingf herself and making herself as tall as she could. "I hope this is the right place." 
Yume went up to the door and knocked. The sound that her simple knock made was so loud that it frightened her, but she quickly got rid of any looks of fear just as the door opened revealing a fairy tall girl with short black hair that didn't hold any resembalance to Yume herself, besides by the dark hair and slightly tan looking skin. 
The girl looked at Yume as if she was thinking then she said very carefully, "Yume?"
Yume smiled and said, "I'm happy you still remember me after all of these years, Louise."
Lousie's face broke into a smile and said, "How could I forget? Come on in, it's cold outside." 
Yume came in and smiled, happy that her sister still didn't care much about the light and dark gamma stuff. Que came in after Yume and was surprised when a happy Scorn greeted her. 
"Scorn, down." Louise said and an unhappy Scorn complied. "We have much to talk about," Louise said to Yume, " Let's sit by the fire as we talk."
"I think I'll have to agree with that idea," Yume replied and took a seat in one of the seats in front of the fire. 

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

Shion was hiding in the alleys, breathing heavily as she tried catching her breath. Yaksha was breathing very heavily. Shion bent to her knees and began to clean Yaksha's wound, stitching the cut and wrapping the small animal with a bandage. 
"You're gonna be ok Yaksha." Shion promised and placed her in her coat pocket to keep her warm. 
"What the hell man?!" Nezumi asked angrily. 
"i'm sorry, uh, i'm not here!!" Shion said and ran off before Nezumi could pull out his knife. 

Once deeming it clear that Nezumi hadn't followed her, Shion slowed down and tried looking for a safe place to hide until more Light Gama showed up. She needed to regroup, hopefully knowing what happened to the first Light Gama who defeated Dark Gama all those centuries ago. Shion looked around, only to have her senses tinkle again. She looked up only to sense Dark and Light Gama. She smiled as she went to the door and knocked on the door. 
"Hello?" a girl asked. 
"Hello....uh Light Gama?" Shion asked. 
The girl looked at her, looking around till she motioned her to come inside. Once inside the door was closed and the girl called "Louise, I have a friend over!" 
"Hmm?" the Dark Gama asked. 
Shion gasped, ready to run till the girl replied "It's ok, we're not into that whole Light vs. Dark Gama war stuff." 
"OH..." Shion said. "Thank goodness." 
"Come on, you'll catch a cold." the Dark Gama, Louise, offered which Shion gladly took. 
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Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

Kristoff and Mateo continued to watch the dancers dance until they all soon left. “Well we should head to sleep as well,” Mateo suggested as he set up a cot for the two to sleep in. Baby of course loved to be in between and so went to sleep right in the middle of the bed. “Alright, wait hold on you hear that?” Kristoff asked as he heard a sound come from the other side of the mirrors. Mateo and Kristoff looked inside the mirrors and looked. In came stumbling the dance director and another dancer, Allison clearly on the verge of intercourse. “WHOA!” Kristoff and Mateo shouted the two. Mateo covered his eyes as Kristoff his ears. He didn’t need to hear, everything. “Huh, it looks like Allison was out to get Emilie,” Kristoff said as he walked over to the cot to go pick up Baby. “What do you mean?” Mateo asked still covering his eyes like a little kid would when watching a horror movie. “Why else would she be sleeping with the director?” Kristoff asked as he headed downstairs. “Where are you going?” Mateo asked. “I don’t need to see this, actually hear it,” Kristoff said as headed somewhere else. Mateo opened his eyes to see the two making out pretty hard and clothing trying to be ripped off. “WAIT!” Mateo cried as grabbed the sheets and pillows from the cot and ran after Kristoff he didn’t need to watch and old man and a young woman do that, it was too weird.

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

Lousie wasn't very interested in the comings and goings of her sister, so it didn't bother her that she had brought in the light gamma from earlier. When Scorn found out that they had a visitor, however, he happily tried to ambush them, but was startled by a fire ferret screeching at him. He was a woof in surprise then crouched and waited. 
"Cut that out, Scorn!" Lousie called from her chair. "No matter what startled you, it's a guest. Hospitality." 
Scorn whined and then walked over to Louise. Louise looked at the light gamma and said, "Well, you can either free to death, or you can sit by the fire. You can also tell us your name."
The girl walked slowly to a chair that s closest to the door and sat down. "Shion." 
" What?" Yume asked, confused. "Am I going deaf?"
"No idiot, she whispered. Once again?"
"My name's Shion." 
"Ok, nice to meet you, Shion. I have an extra room you can stay in. It's the first on your right when you enter the hall. Mine is next to that, and across the way is Yume's. And while I'm at it, I'm Lousie Lockmiller, and this is my twin sister, Yume Nguyen."
Now it made sense to Shion why they did t care for the light and dark gamma stuff, they were sisters and both supposed to be enemies. Though she didn't understand wh their last names were different.
Yume smiled at the girl and said "Come on this way, I'll show you to your room, and get you some new clothes. The ones your wearing aren't in very good shape."

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

Nezumi returned to the sewers, knowing the way like the back of his hand. He arrived to a certain spot where he climbed back out only to be in the darkest parts of New York. An old apartment building stood before him; his home. He kicked open the door and walked inside to be greeted by dust, moths and spider webs. He looked around, the door had to be somewhere. He pushed back a large empty book case only to find what he was looking for. "There it is." Nezumi said. A small black mouse appeared crawling up his pants and making its way into his sleeves. 
"Hamlet, were you guarding it?" Nezumi asked, getting a squeak in reply. Nezumi took the latch of the door and pull, a staircase there in the pitch black leading farther down. He took out a flashlight and made his was downward. 

Once reaching the bottom he came to an underground hall were doors were aligned until he found one with his room number on it, almost like a hotel room. He shuffled through his pocket and pulled out the key, entering inside his home.The mouse, Hamlet, sped inside greeting three other ones; one white and the other brown. The scurried and disappeared inside the room. The room was filled with shelves of stolen books, many in lost and different languages. A bed was in the corner of the room along with a separate room for the bathroom ( a large tub inside) a broken mirror hanging on the wall and a small cupboard filled with dishes. The room was lit by a sing lamp and candle light. Nezumi waltzed over to his bed and laid down, one of his demonic tails appearing and stretching over to grab a book from the shelves. He then began to read. 
~* ~
Shion was happy she would be sleeping inside today. Yume and Louise seemed like extremely nice people. Even Yaksha was comfortable in their presence, trust could be built between them. Shion was brought to her temporary bedroom and was allowed inside. 
"I'll get you clothes but for now you can give me your coat." Yume offered. 
Shion passed her coat, coated in blood, mud and snow, and Yume took the dirty thing to be cleaned. Shion looked around, she had never had her own room before. Normally she would be allowed to sleep in a barn or something on her travels but she made the most of it. Yaksha made himself a small bed from the pillow and Shion sat on the edge with him looking out the window. She envied Louise and Yume's relationship. 
"If only all Gama were as cooperative as them." Shion mumbled and made her way to the shower.       

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

I sigh as I slam our hotel door.
"Just because I am blind doesn't mean I can't hear you a******s!"
I punch the door, but not hard enough to leave a dent.
Not that I can't. In fact, I can punch right through it if I want.
"What's wrong with the paparazzi?" ask Stacey, curious.
"You're kidding, right?" ask Joe.
"They took picture of me scratching my butt!" explain Jake.
"The real question is why you were doing it the first place," reply Duke.
"I had a waggy (or however you spell it)!" answer Jake.
"Ha ha!" tease Stacey.
I go over and touch what feels like a window.
I haven't seen my friends since I was eighteen. Times like this, I wonder what they look like now. Is Stacey's eyes still as perky as her personality (with the duh factor)? Does Joe still have puffy dark blonde hair? Does Duke still look as devious and womanizing with almond shape light green eyes and dark brown hair in a ponytail that's almost black? Is Jack still sporting that nerdy, but innocent goth look?
I am not asking them. It'll show signs of weakness.
One thing that I do miss about being in the Blood Guild (even though it was the worse experience of my life, it was worth it for my father's revenge) is that when I was there, I felt closer to something..... Something about me.
Something that I may find out one day.

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

(Sorry I haven't posted in a while) I buy my ticket for the boat ride over to Liberty Isle, the salt water occasionally splashing onto my face. It was a long ride, but I eventually got to the Island. Looking up, I see the Statue of Liberty standing overhead, holding a book in one hand and a torch in the other. Gosh, why did I come to such a boring place; there’s nothing to do here…but, I might as well walk around until the people running the boat declares when it’ll get me off of here. . . . I sat down at a bench, completely board out of my mind.      “Hello, is this seat taken?” A woman asked.      “No.” I reply. She smiles and sits down next to me.      “How are you; you enjoying the Statue of Liberty?” The woman asked.      “No.” I bluntly reply.      “Well…” She began. “If you don’t enjoy this, there’s always the ice rink you could go too.”      “Naw thanks. I’m not a skater.”    The woman frowns and as she was about to say something else, a man rushed over saying towards me, “There you are; I’ve been looking all over for you.” He took my wrist, pulling me up and he whispered, “Play along.”      “Wha?!”      “Sorry for leaving you like that sweetie.” He said flirtingly and pecks my pale cheek. “Let’s head back. Pleasure meeting you Miss.” He drags me away and turns serious, “Sorry about that; that woman was very dangerous and could have killed you at any minute. My men are arresting her as we speak.” I turn around and see a few police officers arresting the woman and handcuffing her. So coming to New York almost got me and Usagi killed.      “So you’re the New York police?” I ask.      “NYPD head Officer Rufus Stanly at your service.” The man Rufus stated. “And thanks to you, we caught her.”      “You’re welcome.”      “All passengers’ heading back to the mainland, board the boat in ten minutes.” The people on the boat announced.      “I have to leave now. See ya’.” I said walking back to the boat.      “Lacie, when can I come back out?” Usagi asked.      “Quit your complaining so I can think when to switch.” I said curtly.

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

Shion's bolted open when she heard Yaksha letting out a hiss. He sounded up and on high alert. Shion was given a new pair of pajama's which felt like silk to her skin. She peaked up and looked outside, only to see men wearing black clothing and sunglasses approaching. Shion gulped, getting up and taking Yaksha as well. She snuck out from her room and towards Yume's room, knocking on the door. 
"Hello?" Yume asked. 
"There are men outside." Shion whispered and Yume pulled here inside.
"Stay quiet." Yume whispered and dragged Shion to Louise's room. 
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Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

“Kristoff?” Mateo asked as he was lying in bed next to Kristoff. “Yeah?” Kristoff grumbled apparently still awake. “How come you didn’t know Emmy was a Light I mean we can sense them can’t we? I suspected it the whole time,” Mateo said thinking back to the curly haired blonde. “Love is blind,” Kristoff admitted turning onto his back facing the ceiling. “So you did know?” Mateo asked turning his head to Kristoff. “Yes, but like I said love is blind, friendship closes its eyes,” Kristoff said. “So why’d you kill her when she admitted she was a Light?” Mateo asked feeling perplexed. “I don’t know, I guess I didn’t want to face reality of who she really was,” Kristoff said. “Weird,” Mateo said. “What?” Kristoff asked. “I actually saw a Dark and Light in love,” Mateo said shuddering. “Yup, we were fifty shades of gray until her sad death,” Kristoff said turning his back to Mateo. “Don’t you miss her?” Mateo asked. Mateo was answered with silence; it looked like he had fallen asleep. Mateo couldn’t sleep. He wanted a sip of AB positive. “All the time,” Kristoff grumbled finally. Mateo’s ears perked when he heard those words and then got up. “What?” Kristoff said turning around. “We’re going hunting tonight,” Mateo said no being able to stand his hunger. “Alright. Baby!” Kristoff called as the white baby kitten came scurrying in after a mouse hunt. Kristoff felt the kitten in his hands and then picked her up to his shoulders. “We’re hunting humans tonight!” Mateo shouted as they raced through the confusing maze and were outside of the building.
  Mateo had his share of sips and bites with Mateo as they wandered around the New York City area. “Hey look over there!” Mateo said as he saw two men walking towards a house. Kristoff smelled the air. “One has too much aftershave and the other reeks of money,” Kristoff observed. “What do you think they are?” Mateo asked. “Perhaps hunters, supernatural ones. FBI’s, police men, some important business men, I’m not sure,” Kristoff answered. “I really want a bite,” Mateo whined his stomach sensing the AB positive in one of them. “Hold it! Just watch, if they do something we don’t like then we’ll attack,” Kristoff informed. “I sense a Dark Gama inside and two lights,” Mateo said confused. “The Dark is obviously helping them we’ll if it thinks on attacking, I’ll absorb power from them easily and we’ll eat them,” Kristoff said. “Alright don’t fall in love now,” Mateo warned. “Shut up!” Krisoff growled pounding Mateo’s head. “Aim for the Dark, I bet that one would be the toughest, we Darks are feisty,” Mateo said. “Whatever you say,” Kristoff said. He can either steal powers or drain it off them it was fun to trade new powers.

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

Yume, Louise and Shion made their down the stairs, hearing thudding at the door. Louise knocked twice against the wall till a sliding door opened. They scurried inside, only for their door to gave out. The men scooted the area for anything abnormal, finding nothing. 
"Search the house." one said and they began searching. 

"Who are those men?" Shion asked. 
"Agents who want to harness Dark and Light Gama." Louis explained. "They search the globe for us, taking us to an underground laboratory where they drain your gama." 
"But we-"
"Die once we've been drained, I'm aware." Louise said. "Don't worry, they don't stay long. They have to do a short search but if they don't find anything they returned to headquarters until they get some activity." 
"Yeah, they probably came when you and that demon fox dude were brawling." Yume said. 
"Oh..." Shion said. 
"Don't be sorry about it, happens all the time." Yume said.  

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

They were intent on the sounds below them, "Nothing's here, maybe it wasn't this house." One man said, as something crashed to the ground. 
"That better not have been my tea set," Louise muttered as the talking continued. 
"I guess not. It's clean, let's go." 
The sounds got farther and farther away until the door slammed shut. 
"Okay, I would say we're fine," Yume said, "But I think we've got unwanted visitors."
Lousie looked out of the crack they had made to spy outside and saw the two dark gamma. 
"Great, It's the people who were chasing you earlier," 
"Oh," Shion said, "Wait, how did you know?" 
"I was out on a walk with Scorn." 
"I see. What should we do?" 
"Scorn, Lust, Envy, Glutton, Wrath, Fear, Fury, and all of the other dogs I have will take care of them." 
"Since when did you have so many?" Yume asked, amused.
"Since I had Scorn and Lust and they had puppies," Louise replied, smiling, "You can never have too many Hell Hounds."   

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Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

“I heard that,” Kristoff said irritated as the men left. “What?” Mateo asked. “How the hell would you feel if they broke one of your things?” Kristoff asked growling. “You super genius! Only you’d be able to relate you’re the one with the cool gadgets,” Mateo said poking Kristoff’s temples. Kristoff growled at the men and then opened the door to the door and saw what was shattered. “Kristoff!...How the hell can you run like that?” Mateo asked trudging through the snow after Kristoff who easily jumped over it. Kristoff entered the house and saw what was shattered. He looked around at the neat things and had an urge to destroy it but couldn’t do it to another Dark Gamma. He picked up the shattered pieces to perhaps replace them or put them together to keep its authenticity. Mateo came running in. “Dude! Don’t do that!” Mateo said as he watched Kristoff picked up the pieces from the floor. Mateo then heard Baby hiss and growl at something and saw that they were surrounded by Hell Hounds. They all growled at Kristoff in particular, seeing him with the pieces ready to attack. Kristoff took off his sunglasses and immediately turned into the Devil they worshipped. The dogs wouldn’t attack Kristoff seeing all Hell burning in his eyes. “Don’t fear me,” Kristoff said his voice sounding possessed and demonic considering he was. When Kristoff’s eyes were gorged out, Kristoff used the powers of other Gammas to go to Hell. Once he did Kristoff returned stronger and better and angrier, the demons were very kind to him. They actually let him skin and pierce sticks through tortured souls. Fury attempted to bite Kristoff but when he did his mouth steamed and burned a great deal. Hell Hounds were accustomed to heat, they’re from the burning Underworld, but this heat was too much to take it was only heat from the Devil himself in his wrath. Fury stopped the bite and stepped back still growling madly. The crushed tea set lay within Kristoff’s arms his sunglasses back on his face as he left the house with Mateo and Baby back home.
    On the way home, Mateo whined towards the fact that he never had AB positive which is what he wanted to look for the entire time. Kristoff ignored him obviously as he continued to walk with the shattered glass as they walked on back to the company. Mateo went to sleep as Kristoff went to another room where his cool gadgets were. There was a small flashlight that can either light with more than 600 watt power or burn through 100 plates of steel put together, whatever Kristoff felt like doing. There was a heating pad that can either heat your back or absorb your powers. His favorite was actually his PS3 which could be used for games, a GPS system, or a background check over billions of humans in the world. He actually had to hijack into some FBI systems to steal information and was successful into doing so. Kristoff took the tea set from his arms and set them down onto a base. Pressing a button, Kristoff pushed a red one and to begin. The base had a cylinder shaped transparent case rise around the circumference as it enveloped the shattered pieces. Soon all gravity was lost inside of the chamber. Kristoff played around with the pieces using air to enter and push the pieces together through gasps of air. The pieces were then together and Kristoff soon went over the pour some sticky thin substance into a small chamber case and then shut the door to enter inside the anti-gravity chamber. The pieces weren’t fully together but the parts were in the right order. The matrix entered through the chamber and floated within sticking onto everything. The matrix acted like a magnet having the pieces snap together to the nearest material. Like puzzle pieces the pieces snap together having the tea set formed all together again. Kristoff smiled hearing the snaps and then cushioned the bottom of the chamber.  Air soon entered the chamber once the chamber opened up having the tea set fall safely to a cushion. Kristoff pressed another button to polish the materials and clean them up to make things neat while he looked for a small box. He had a lot considering Emmy loved to steal hats still in their cases. Kristoff picked up one that was blue with small birds and vines designed over it and had a bow on top of it as decoration. Kristoff created a special Styrofoam and placed the tea set pieces within the gel like substance taking firm hold and delicately placed the rest of the items within.
  “What the hell!” Louise shouted annoyed. She saw that her tea set was missing, she didn’t care if it was what had broken, she could at least glued the pieces together. Not only that but the dust of the ceramic pieces had spilled on the floor making a mess. “Those b******s!” Louise yelled. “Who?” Yume asked. “Both, the Gammas and the other guys,” Louise growled. “I wonder why he took the pieces,” Shion said thinking it would be weird. “He knows he’s dirt poor so why not take the chance to make a few bucks off my tea set,” Louise said still angry and she swept the floor. “With broken pieces? They wouldn’t have their worth,” Yume said trying to console her sister. The doorbell then rang to their surprise and Louise went to go look for who it was. There was no one there and so she opened the door. To her surprise she found a pretty blue box with small birds drawn and designed, she sensed a dark Gamma but couldn’t see where he or she was. Taking the box in by curiosity, Louise took it in and then slammed the door. “That was there?” Yume asked looking at the pretty brown bow on top of the cerulean blue box.  Louise sat down on her arm chair and then opened the lid and then her eyes bugged out as she saw the materials within. “What is it?” Shion asked. “My tea set!” Louise said as she took out all of the pieces. “Their fixed?” Yume asked. “Yeah all of the pieces, they look…new,” Louise said surprised. “Maybe one of the Gammas replaced it,” Shion said. “These were the last of their kind,” Louise said looking at the high quality. The foam was soft, firm and gels like; Louise had never seen it before.
  Kristoff was on top of the roof of Louise’s house until she closed the door he went off to look for AB positive blood.
  “Mmmph,” Mateo mumbled as he was being shaken awake by Kristoff. “Wake up you imbecilic creature!” Kristoff growled. “Mateo opened his eyes and then his eyes bugged out seeing the vials of blood in Kristoff’s hands. “Gimme!” Mateo yelled snatching the vials out of Kristoff’s hands. Mateo drank all 10 vials to his satisfaction. “You found a human?” Mateo asked. “No blood banks were easier,” Kristoff said. “Finally!” Mateo said excitedly. “Night little buddy,” Kristoff said as he lied down in bed with Mateo. “Night,” Kristoff said as he went to sleep. “Mmm…night,” Mateo said sucking dry the vials free of blood.

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

Shion had never seen a happier girl as Louise as she frolicked merrily about as her tea set was fixed and back to its normal form. Shion was already aware that dark gama always looked after other dark gama and light for other light gama. Almost like a brother- sister relationship. Shion smiled and said "I'm happy your tea set is alright." 
"So am I!!" Louise said. 
"But that's odd." Yume said. "The hellhounds are stiff." 
The dogs were still remained in their stiff, obedient selves as if waiting for orders. Louise snapped her fingers and the dogs snapped out of their trance. Spotting Shion, they ambushed her in a barrage of licks and happy yelps. Shion laughed as the pink tongues ticked her cheeks and any exposed skin. The dogs were then gripped by the collars and pulled back, Louise scolding "Bad dogs!!" 
The dogs retreated back behind Yume. 
"Their cute." Shion said. 
"Yeah but disobedient." Louise said, sending them a glare that sent shivers down their spines. "Now help me clean up this place!!" 
"Yes of course." Shion said apologetically and helped straighten out the house.    
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Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

“Emilie!” the dance director called towards Emilie as she was in the middle of her Sugar Plum Fairy duet with Alex. “I’m not feeling it from you, you’re stressed and you’re showing it. If this part is too much for you I’ll give it up to Allison,” the ballet director informed rubbing his brow where a headache had blossomed watching with the choreographer. Emilie walked tiredly towards her starting position with Alex. Her hands were on hips, her head held low trying to concentrate. “Again,” the director demanded. Emilie did as she was told and re-started the scene. This time she plummeted to the ground when her ankle rolled from being set down by Alex. “Emilie!” the dance director shouted annoyed as he whispered with the choreographer. “Thank you, that’ll be all for today, Allison do her part,” the director said looking down to his tablet. “What?!” Emilie screeched. “Allison! Get up there!” the director repeated. Allison did what she was told and took the part of the Sugar Plum Fairy. Emilie stormed out grabbing her things and never returning.
  “About time,” Mateo said as he watched the dancing. He didn’t like the fact that Allison got her way using sexual appeal. Mateo stared at her feet and made sure the box inside of her foot cracked using his telekinesis. As he concentrated he finally stopped once he saw Allison feet on pointe and her toes collide with the cracked shards for blood to soon gush out of her feet and leak on the outside. Julianne screamed as she saw Allison’s feet. Allison stopped in confusion and then looked down to her feet and went into panic. Mateo laid back and relaxed to hear the beautiful screams and of hysteria, it was very satisfying. He then got bored and then decided to head downstairs to check out what Kristoff was doing and to see what he did with the Tea Set.
  The radio was blasting in Kristoff’s room as he worked on his sunglasses to provide him vision. Mateo came in and laughed when he heard the next song come in on the radio and came in making his grand entrance to Kristoff: “Baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed! But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell. You don’t know oh oh. You don’t know you’re beautiful! If only you saw what I could see, you’d understand why I want you so desperately. Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe you don’t know oh oh you don’t your beautiful. That’s what makes you beautiful!” Mateo sang and danced towards Kristoff who had a poker face plastered on his face in something that would be a mixture of confusion, surprise, annoyance, and humor as Mateo sang the next verse. “I don’t know why, you’re being shy. And turn away when I look into your e-e-eyes!” Mateo sang jokingly at Kristoff who didn’t even have eyes. When the song went to the chorus once again Kristoff then sang along with a diabolical smile: “Baby you darken my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair makes me scream like hell. But when you smile at the ground you can’t really tell. You should know oh oh. You don’t know you’re uglyful! If you only saw what I could see, you’d understand why I hate you so desperately. Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe you don’t know oh oh you don’t your uglyful. That’s what makes you horrifying!” Mateo died when he heard his friend sing that. “Would you really sing that?” Mateo asked his face splattered with laughter. “Depends,” Kristoff said. He wore a black shirt without sleeves showing off his muscles, dark jeans, and was barefoot. He was working on wiring the glasses properly setting up the wires right with a pincher.  “If she’s a b***h why the hell not, if she’s not then why the hell would I?” Kristoff said. The song continued on the radio as Mateo watched his friend continue on with his project. Mateo had an idea of what he wanted to sing next and played around with the radio with technopathy and looked for a station to wear they played it. Finding the song he fast forwarded it to a verse: “On the other side of a street I knew, stood a girl that looked like you. I guess that’s déjà vu but I thought this can’t be true cause…OH! I swear to you I’ll be there for you, this is not a drive by-y-y-y-y-y. Just a shy guy looking a two ply, hefty bag to hold my-y-y-y-y-y love,” Mateo sang doing a pelvic dance at this part. “When you move me everything is groovy, they don’t like it sure me, mmm the way you do me. Oh I swear to you I’ll be there for you this is not a drive by-y-y-y-y-y.” Krisotff flipped the middle finger at Mateo laughing sensing his friend dancing provocatively.   “Could you imagine if that happened to you?” Mateo asked. “Hello no! Emmy was a light I’m a dark, what the hell, what type of child is that?” Kristoff asked frowning still working. “The leader of them all!” Mateo said laughing. Kristoff laughed. “No but what if you did have a child? And Emmy ran away before you murdered her. Then 2 years later you’re in New York walking to some place and you see a mini you in girl or buy form in this case I’m pretty sure boy, with your brown hair soft features, and shy face? And then bam Emmy is right next to her!” Mateo said waiting for a response. “Basically what would I do if that song happened to me?” Kristoff asked as he added the finishing touches to his invention. “Yeah!” Mateo said. “Like he said he was: “And frankly I was scared as hell!” I can’t kill my son or daughter you crazy? And what do you mean in this case it would be a boy?” Kristoff asked. “Emmy said you liked it rough and wild,” Mateo said bursting out in laughter leaving Kristoff red in his pale face. “Shut the hell up!” Kristoff said slapping Mateo’s head with a towel. “Don’t worry; at least I know you had fun, when creating the wild child!” Mateo said still laughing. “Shut up, it was only once,” Kristoff grunted. “Yes sir,” Mateo said laughing in silence. “This won’t be ready to till tomorrow, let’s just look for more supplies today, come on we’re heading out let, me get my shoes and another shirt and jacket,” Kristoff said as he left. “What if you dated another Light again?” Mateo asked. “Not happening,” Kristoff said as he put on his socks. “Why not?” Mateo asked. “Cause, they’re most likely virgins they’d want to wait till marriage. Emmy was an exception I just thought she was a shy Dark Gamma,” Kristoff said. “Ok let’s consider if Emmy was still alive and you still haven’t’ done anything, would you wait?” Mateo asked. “And remember you did anything for her, always spoiled her and loved her with a passion as I recall,” Mateo said. “I reckon I would,” Kristoff said as he put on his jacket after his converse were on. “Who cares about me though what about you? Kristiff asked. “What about me?” Mateo asked as he put on black fingerless gloves and a gray skull cap on. “Any crushes?” Kristoff asked as he zipped up his jacket. “Nope…nope…no!” Mateo said nervously, “You’re a horrible liar, I’ll eventually find out,” Kristoff said. “Yeah sure,” Mateo said but his eyes bugged out to meet Kristoff’s diabolical smile. “DON’T do what I think you’ll do,” Mateo said knowing his friend could seal a gamma’s power of telepathy to read Mateo’s mind. “Fine I’ll give you a few days to tell me,” Kristoff said as he called for Baby. “What, that could be like 3 days,” Mateo complained. “Or even tomorrow whenever I feel like it,” Kristoff said as his kitten came up to him. He settled the kitten on Mateo’s shoulders as it purred happily to be with Mateo. “Alright let’s go, no chasing today we have to like humans,” Kristoff said. “You serious?” Mateo asked. “Yes, those men from yesterday were looking for the gammas or why else would the Gammas have been in hiding,” Kristoff said. “So if we come across a Gamma of Light we have to talk to them?” Mateo asked. “If we bump into them, we smile then walk away,” Kristoff said. “Sounds like fun,” Mateo said glumly. He liked chasing his food sometimes humans were cute so it felt like chasing a crush but it was fun on one person Kristoff won’t know about. “Alright then,” Mateo said as they left the basement to enter onto the New York City grounds.

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

Shion had volunteered to go out and buy some food, the fridge was bare and they needed food for dinner. Shion insisted on leaving before dinner so they didn't have a third stomach to feed but Yume insisted she stay. Louise agreed but said she'd need to find a job, so that was another thing to look for. She had worked in all types of jobs so it should be easy finding one here. She looked around the neighborhood, finding a super market which she shopped inside, leaving with arms filled with food. As she walked down the streets, she spotted the two dark gamma who, she sort of sure of, had electrocuted her and destroyed Sprx's lab. She stiffened but then though twice, too many people there was a chance they wouldn't attack right? She felt bustling inside her coat, knowing Yaksha had sensed the two Dark Gamma but she continued walking. Yaksha appeared out of her coat, wrapping around her neck and keeping a look out. 
Just keep walking, don't interact... Shion thought and continued her walk. As the three Gamma brushed past each other, a small white cat caught sight of the bushy tail of Yaksha. With a delighted meow, it snatched at Yaksha's tail, thinking it to be a play thing making Yaksha jump. Yaksha fled with the small white cat chasing after. 
"Yaksha!" Shion said. 
"Baby!" the Dark Gamma said and the owners chased after them. 
Yaksha led the baby kitten down an alley, till his tail was once again caught and the baby kitten was gripping onto it. Yaksha tried escaping but the kitten had a firm grip on him. Yaksha tried hissing at it but the kitten playfully hissed back. They didn't realize, their surroundings. Starving dogs circled the two small animals, the baby kitten taking notice first. It meowed in fear and Yaksha spotted the large dogs closing in on them. He wrapped his body around the kitten ready to take the first blow as the dogs pounced till she heard "STAY AWAY FROM THEM!" 
Shion had arrived, grabbing the large dogs by the scruff and throwing them off, the dogs growling and going for her first. Shion's eyes had changed again, her pupils slits and her teeth sharp as she fought them off. One dog managed to bite into her arm and rip off the sleeve. he dogs jumped, Yaksha and the kitten behind Shion as she gave a roar. The dogs froze and ran away, whimpering. Shion catching her breath as she turned to the small creatures and said "Come on little ones." 
Yaksha scurried up her sleeve and Shion carried the kitten. She then went in search of the dark gamma, she had to be careful though....she was hungry. 

"Baby!" Mateo screeched, looking through the snow, with Baby's white fur she blended with the snow. Kristoff heard the sound of snow crunching behind him and turned, hearing Shion approach. Mateo followed his friends gaze seeing Shion with Baby in her arms. She approached Kristoff, eyes to the floor as she said "Here, this little one is yours right?" 
Mateo happily took the kitten and squealed "Baby!!" 
The kitten happily meowed and licked his cheek, scurrying to his shoulder and remaining there. Shion turned and made her way back. Kristoff reached out but Shion quickly said "NO! DON'T TOUCH ME...I-I'M HUNGRY!! I'M A SAVAGE!" 
Shion then bolted, leaving the boy greatly confused. 
~ * ~
Nezumi witnessed the whole thing. How rare was it to witness a Light gamma assist a Dark gamma in locating their precious pet. He was simply out on a stroll for his next meal till he came across the dog fight and rescue of the fire ferret and kitten. Hmm, strange. She was even weirder when she sudden't bolted like that...Light gamma he'd never understand them. He was about to walk away till he heard "I see you." 
He stopped, he'd been careless in getting too close. 
"So ya found me." Nezumi said and approached the two. 
"Dark gamma?" the one with sunglasses asked. 
"Yup." Nezumi replied, hands deep in his pockets. 
"No tricks?" the other with the kitten asked. 
"None." Nezumi informed. A small mouse appeared from his jacket, the kittens eyes gleaming at the sight of a rodent but it scurried back inside. 
"Keep a closer eye on your cat, she means more then the world to you two." Nezumi said. 
"What's your name?" 
"Nezumi, yours?" 
"Well, nice to see some other Dark gamma around." Nezumi said. "Now tell me, have you seen any men in black roaming the cities?" 
"What the hell happened to you?!" Yume asked. "We send you out to get food and you come back with bite marks and torn food!!" 
"Dog fight it seems." Louise said. "Didn't think ya had it in ya." 
"Yeah, well please don't come near me." Shion advised. "I suck the blood of Dark gamma to recharge. This is what happens when I use my Heart." 
"Ah." Yume said. 
Louise exposed her neck and said "Go on then." 
"I could never." 
"Do it or you'll die." 
Shion stiffened, she didn't like taking advantage of people like this but she reached up and sunk her teeth into the Dark gamma's neck.    

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

After Shion was done, Louise sat down and said to Yume, "Make me some Hibiscus tea, Yume. I'm in the mood." 
"Sure," Yume said and expertly made some tea.
When the tea was given to Louise she relaxed and sipped contentedly. "So," She said, looking at Shion, "You call your gamma a 'Heart'?" 
"Yes," Shion replied, nibbling on a biscuit.
"Interesting." Louise said, finishing her tea.
She got up and said, "Let's take the dogs out for a walk!" 
"Which one?" Yume asked.
Louise looked at her as if she just asked the stupidest question ever, "All of them of course. Now that I have two helpers, I take take all thirteen of them. Don't worry, they don't need leashes and are obedient on walks."  
"Ha," Yume and Shion said, letting out a slow breath.
"Well, let's go!" Louise said excitedly, "Come on you hounds, we're going on a walk!" Louise yelled causing all of the dogs to howl in delight and bound towards the open door. 
"Well, what are you waiting for? Come on!" Louise said, motioning them to walk out of the door.
"Hold on," Yume said, "Let me just get Que."
"Que?" Shion asked.
"Yume's dog," Louise replied.
"Another dog?" Shion asked in disbelief. "How do you keep them all without anyone knowing?" 
"Simple, when you learn the tricks, nothing's hard," Lousie said as Yume returned with Que. "Well then, let's go!" 

Re: Unleashed

11 Years Ago

"No we haven't heard about them but we've seen them." Kristoff informed. Nezumi had treated them to dinner, all information was vital. They ate inside a small family restaurant, Mateo ordering the most food while Nezumi and Kristoff has one meal. 
"Ah well at least you witness what they do." Nezumi said. 
"Why do they hunt Gamma?" Mateo asked, face stuffed with food. 
"They wish to harness the 'Hearts' of Light and Dark Gamma." Nezumi explained. "Once they do, they hope to take total control of the two beings and rule the world. Typical human plan." 
"How do you know all this?" Kristoff asked. 
"They were able to kidnap me when I was in the orphanage...No more of like they arrested me." Nezumi replied, looking into his drink. "I had killed two people and the head called the police but they came instead." 
"they intercepted the police call?" Kristoff guessed. 
"Yup, their always listening whenever something unnatural happens." Nezumi said. "They hope harnessing out powers will eventually lead to the resurrection. But your already aware of how that will turn out." 
"The same battle that happened all those years ago?" Mateo guessed. 
Nezumi merely nodded. 
"What do you suggest?" Kristoff asked. 
"Plan A, ignore and act human, hide if you have to. But if there is even a chance when they capture you, escape. Don't let them take you in their van, out of town, into a place you are not familiar with." Nezumi warned. "Kill them if you have to." 
The two boys were silent. 
"How'd you escape?" Mateo asked. 
"Let's just say a scientist shouldn't underestimate a child." Nezumi said, his meal finished. "Have you two ever eaten and ditched?" 
"Yeah." the two responded. 
"Perfect." Nezumi said with a smile, one of his mice in the palm of his hand. "Let me see your dish." 
Mateo handed the dish over and Nezumi placed his pet inside, who bundled inside and pretended to play dead. He then flagged down a waitress. 
"Yes sir?" the woman asked and Nezumi pointed to the mouse scurrying in the food. The woman screeched, dropping the food she was carrying and all eyes turning to their table. The manager zoomed out, about to ask whats wrong till he spotted the mouse. The apologized and gave them free food. 
~ * ~
"That was f*****g awesome!!" Mateo said, bags of food in his arms along with Nezumi's and Kristoff's. The mouse that was in his food had returned and was now in Nezumi's sleeve. 
"That's the perks of having rats for pets." Nezumi said, a smirk on his face. He then made a turn and said "I'm heading home, see ya." 
He disappeared in the alleys, like the rats. 
~ * ~
Shion returned home with paw prints all over her, the dogs bounding back inside the house and making it to the kitchen for dinner. Yume and Louis were perfectly fine. Shion hadn't realized how much work it was chasing thirteen (scratch that) fourteen dogs, HELL HOUNDS. She fell face first on the couch, completely drained. Yaksha wormed out of her coat and grabbed a handkerchief, fanning her. 
"You've never walked a dog before?" Louise asked. 
"No..." Shion replied, out of breath. 
"You have a lot of training ahead of you." Louise said and laughed.