


Thanks in advance for reviews!

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About Me

*Please provide feedback! Pick a story, any story, and try it out.

*Things to Check Out*

-Blog-Coms: Not every single day of my life is full of action and adventure (unless I'm watching a superhero movie), and I'm a little iffy about the kind of information let out online. However simple comics drawn with the Paint program are harmless enough, so behold! Blog comics, or BLOG-COMS, inn place of written blog entries! Each and every one are true stories of yours truly.

-...My writing? Most pieces have been organized into books. There are 'Poetry', 'Blueprints', and 'Game Plot Reviews'.

-My Facebook page, HaeshinWorld. It's little more than a place to check for updates and Blog-Coms that are also found here. Please note that updates will be random as I do have a day job.



I dabble mostly in fantasy that takes place in modern-day Earth settings when it comes to my writing, but I enjoy reading mystery books like Agatha Christie, Dean Koontz, and Robert Parker. Romance isn't my usual thing but if it's a good story then it's a good story, especially if it's chock full of comedy like Julia Quinn books or intrigue like Stephanie Laurens novels.

Sometime in the future I hope to write something of the science fiction genre or a werewolf/vampire story where no one wears shiny black leather or focuses on sappy romance. I know I can do it...! Eventually. Someday. Sometime.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi, thanks for your friendship.

"Seventy two pieces of poetry from the perspective of all seventy two Demons that Solomon is said to have evoked and confined in a brass vessel sealed by magic symbols" (Ars Goetia)

The Elusive Mr Dunne

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Posted 12 Years Ago

I'd be happy to review some work! Whatcha need read? :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey, could you check out my new poll, blog, and photo? (Please?)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

thank you for the review <3