Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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H : Writing

Blistering companion

Blistering companion

A Poem by H

A poem, why friendship occurs in the most dark places


A Poem by H

"Eyes glisten with the shine of the moon on the overcast"
Previews/Notes for future stories!

Previews/Notes for future stories!

A Screenplay by H

Just some sneek peeks of everything im working on and will be working on soon(;


A Poem by H

"Savior, o my savior where is thee to guide me to the light? To a place where nothing cannot vouch my soul and love consumes all."


A Poem by H

"Why?" It was Jane this time. "I-i don't know..." Loki/Jane
A god and mortal

A god and mortal

A Poem by H

"He may be a God, her a mortal; but its behind now" Loki/Jane oneshot


A Poem by H

Deticated to a b***h in my school!(: Jealously sucks but you are you and thats all thats too it(:
In a Lifetime..

In a Lifetime..

A Poem by H

short but i guess it has meaning?(:
Lonely Nights

Lonely Nights

A Poem by H

Lonely nights, how I long to be ridden of The isolation overbearing my sanity The ticking of the grandfather clock is endless Nightmares cloud my t..

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