huntnteen : Writing

The Vampire

The Vampire

A Poem by huntnteen

A poem about a unsparkly vampire lol
The Pessimist

The Pessimist

A Poem by huntnteen

As I wander the room I find myself thinking That everything is certain doom to survive one thing Means you will die of another and everyones agai..


A Poem by huntnteen

As I chase the deer, I have nothing to fear, for running through the wood, is where I belong, all is good. The deer's beauty and grace, remind me..
The Waltz

The Waltz

A Poem by huntnteen

As I hold you in my arms, and look at your serene face, I know how much I love, Dancing with you in this place. As the music flows over us, we da..
I Understand the Coyote

I Understand the Coyote

A Poem by huntnteen

I understand the Coyote in the distance, As he howls to the moon with a lonely persistance, And he lopes along, Searching for a place where his hea..
Helping You

Helping You

A Poem by huntnteen

I spend all my time helping you, as if there is nothing I would rather do, but it is true though, for my emotions to the wind I throw, For all I w..
As close as Sin

As close as Sin

A Poem by huntnteen

I have been in a battle versus myself attempting to change my personality before i start college next year, this is a good example of how i see the tw..
Opening Day

Opening Day

A Poem by huntnteen

Turkey hunting
My life is the grass

My life is the grass

A Poem by huntnteen

a copy-change poem i did for my english class


A Poem by huntnteen

Life and love, Love and life, Tearing through my soul, Like a burning knife, Pain and hate, Hate and pain, Both are there, With..