jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman) : Writing

Living Inside A Migraine

Living Inside A Migraine

A Poem by jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman)

spiking shrapnel laden bands of pain throbthrobthrobbing behind my eyelids each pulse squeezing thick globules of sonic torture throughout my s..
Tiny Thoughts

Tiny Thoughts

A Poem by jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman)

does anybody still dream? is magic still something that can be achieved when two sets of eyes two sets of souls touch?
the learning of you.

the learning of you.

A Poem by jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman)

we share the quiet wordsdelicately circling, testing the limitsof our attuned frequencies,while conversingin the broken syllablesafforded to those who..
halcyon dreaming.

halcyon dreaming.

A Poem by jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman)

halcyon dreaming.. soft lips upon sleepwarmed shoulder softer pressure upon my form smooth sheet enveloping limbs as molten wishes burn away any ..


A Poem by jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman)

in a time when corsets and hoopskirts were the norm giant flouncing dresses meant to prevent the touch to separate the wearer in a tiny fortress of..


A Poem by jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman)

when did my kisses become routine? when did that suffusing warmth that happens only when you place your lips on mine such gorgeous softness that i..
This Thing I Wrote

This Thing I Wrote

A Poem by jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman)

i have no bloody idea.. i can't pretend profoundity on this one folks


A Poem by jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman)

something i wrote in high school.. slightly restructured but otherwise the same


A Poem by jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman)

another older write - tho "Morning" was written considerably before this one


A Poem by jenniewren (J.W. Bouwman)

this is an older write of mine... i still love it though