Jonathan : Writing

The Future Road

The Future Road

A Poem by Jonathan

Where are our eyes focuses?. Do we spend so much time thinking about what could be, we cannot appreciate the current reality.
'Childish' Fairy tales

'Childish' Fairy tales

A Poem by Jonathan

What ideas and concepts do we feed to our children? Do they corrupt the next generation before they have a chance to be innocent?
Letters and Numbers

Letters and Numbers

A Poem by Jonathan

Expressing frustration at how society defines us by our grades
The School Bell

The School Bell

A Poem by Jonathan

Written to try and process emotions, feelings and thoughts from a while ago that I can't forget or deal with.
The Smile

The Smile

A Poem by Jonathan

Just a short piece trying to capture an everyday moment.
The pain that you felt

The pain that you felt

A Poem by Jonathan

My first poem. It explores what we do to help those who are struggling.