Jessica Samuelsen

Jessica Samuelsen


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Portland, OR
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I like long walks on the beach with my husband. I like curling on the couch with a good book. I like writing the wrongs of the world in my art of words. Supporting those who would seek to do the same.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Well, I wouldn't call it a defense of my writing. The word Masturbating in my poem was something that I struggled with.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks for the poem review! However, I think the word "masturbating" is reference to the soothing feeling one's voice can be. Though the narrator in the poem isn't referring to a person, rather inspiration in general, I think it lends a hand to the dependency one feels towards inspiration...

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Lift your spirit to a place of infinite love. Let the light of your inner being guide you to the joy within your soul. Awaken your light body and watch as the dance of your life becomes one of unconditional bliss. Light a candle of love that all may bask in the glow of your evolutionary soul. You are a visionary dreamer and yours is a journey destined to breathe joy and happiness into the hearts of those you love.

Micheal Teal