Jon Roggie : Writing

What next?

What next?

A Poem by Jon Roggie

One thing, precious and dear, takes the final bit.Dragged, and tiredWanting a nap.Supposed to be time for a nap.Still, how can I resist?Wide open eyes..
Dodging me.

Dodging me.

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Take you on a spin.Look at life.Color of the town, so beautiful."Quiet!""Words have no resonance."Lost that much, have you not.Can't remember your pas..
Brought to a stop.

Brought to a stop.

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Anger is rampantHard not to take part.Emotions are moving us.Still, glance of a child.Pain in the eyes of one we should protect.Stops me.
Answer your question?

Answer your question?

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Excuse me?Sorry, the music...Oh!What did you mean?Now that leads to another question.What did you hear?What did you feel?How did it make you feel?Word..
Care to take my hand?

Care to take my hand?

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Simple dance.What could be the harm?Whirl away the moment.Steal a bit of time.Eyes meet, and memories pass.Give me a grin.You speak first."Care to tak..
Time I Stopped.

Time I Stopped.

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Wasn't a choice, just needed.Step away, watch the clouds fly by.Each one brings back a face.Never stopped,not even to rest.
You know me

You know me

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Just a touch, and a shake of your head.Glance in the eye, simple plea.I'll try.
Just give me something

Just give me something

A Poem by Jon Roggie

I wander.Emotions lead the way.While being silent, words crash in.All of it is fuel.As a gift, something positive.Just an image, something most don't ..
Tell me your story

Tell me your story

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Unexpected request.Should have known it was coming.Fingers trace moments from the past.Time together, it makes the pauses more clear.Still, just a wai..
Shed some skin

Shed some skin

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Moment passes, reminders leftMarks show lessons learnedStill, I smile.Shrug my shoulders, only way to learn.Join my occasional companion, bask in the ..