Prose-full : Writing

dark child

dark child

A Poem by Prose-full

be mature when reading..
�because He is�

�because He is�

A Poem by Prose-full

because He is....
i know He has the key to mend

i know He has the key to mend

A Poem by Prose-full

a bit bitter..once battered feeling a bit broken.. a bit shattered from the past; God please pick up the pieces again.. ...i know You have the k..
He's still not done

He\'s still not done

A Poem by Prose-full

a golden pathway that was once tarnished a building burned down from its foundation has now been rebuilt with a stronger, more solid foundation ..
again, +You+ amaze me

again, +You+ amaze me

A Poem by Prose-full

making amends...knowing God is..
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...things on my mind...

...things on my mind...

A Story by Prose-full

it's been a while, days gone by as dust in the wind there is no longer a she as her anymore.. it seems so weird, preparing for another to fill ..

A Poem by Prose-full

i need You to be my Father & i need You, to be my Mother.. ...she left me and he left her... ...God, Father, Majestic One... i'm a ..
upon my +Fathers+ approval

upon my +Fathers+ approval

A Poem by Prose-full

upon my Father's approval.. i'm so in, i'm so feeling your style, baby the way you call me, talk to me about what you want out of life, what you n..
..:pretty rain:..

..:pretty rain:..

A Story by Prose-full

The rain beautifully falls on her face.. travels about her eyebrows and friendly mingles with her long lashes; falls softly to join the puddle j..
i need you...

i need you...

A Story by Prose-full

a letter to "love"....