Kendall Edison : Writing

The First Dance

The First Dance

A Poem by Kendall Edison

Your touch leaves me weak and I walk away in a trance I open the heavy oaken doores of my mind And my eyelids flutter open To the memories we shar..
Seen as if for the first time

Seen as if for the first time

A Poem by Kendall Edison

another creative writng assignment
Once AGain

Once AGain

A Poem by Kendall Edison

Yuor eyes are deep waters where I swim A hazel maze that I get lost in everytime I look into them Your arms are hold me close as You whisper sweet ..
Soul V.S. Spirit

Soul V.S. Spirit

A Poem by Kendall Edison

Something we were debating about in class


A Poem by Kendall Edison

My head is spinning, I don't know what to do What to think, what to say I don't know how to make things right again you tried not to hurt me but in..


A Poem by Kendall Edison

I've been going through some s**t lately and I jsut revised this poem or monologue or whatever it is to how I really feel.
Something I should have said awhile ago

Something I should have said awhile ago

A Poem by Kendall Edison

Your Black heart controlled me, You conjured A shimmering mist in front of my eyes To block me from reality The things you did the things you ..
Our Moment

Our Moment

A Poem by Kendall Edison

Thoughts fill my head Thoughts of you an me Can’t concentrate on The things in front of me Thinking about that moment That we shared T..


A Poem by Kendall Edison

You young ones sit and listen to the story Of the unknown, unwanted, unappreciated We deserve our three wishes because We can reach the lamp We w..


A Poem by Kendall Edison

I need no more No more sadness No more hatred No more anger No more of living up to people’s expectations I have no more No more laughte..

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