Kris St. James

Kris St. James


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Birmingham, AL
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm a Southern Gothic writer who enjoys telling stories about the forgotten.

I appreciate all thoughtful critiques and will gladly reciprocate. If you don't like my work, please say so, but please tell me why. Same goes for anything that you do like. Part of being a good writer is also being a good critic (IMHO). "Thanks for sharing" or "that's great/awful" helps no one. :)


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Wow, I just found your comment, buried under a number of them from Jinx. LOL On a roll, yeah--seems all I do is write. My poor, long-suffering husband...what would you call him? A writer's widower? The laptop occupies my lap most of the time; it's a rare evening when it does not, between school and writing. But it's much better than when I was tethered to a desktop computer; now at least I can sit in the same room with the family. LOL

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yes, life is not fun sometimes. We've had a few periods of that over the last year too. God sees us through it, but sometimes it's just not joyful.

Yes, I finally finished the novel. I still can't believe it! I'm going through some final edits now (by hand on printed copy; I catch more errors that way) and then I'll revise my master document. My suggestion is wait until then--I can e-mail you a clean, edited manuscript. It'll be a better reading experience. LOL ;-)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey, Kris, nice to hear from you! How is life treating you and yours? Kids & wife doing all right?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

still hurts, but I've been released from doctor care, because i am at the most i can expect to recover, which really sucks.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

well im ready to try some writing again. life has been too hectic to do anything for a while, but its my day off, and i found a sliver of time to write.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thankyou for you comment. I appreciate it greatly

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Wow, sounds like fun. Hope you do good. I've been really into my writing on and I can't wait to get started on my next Arra Griffith story. It's been in my head for the past week and I just can't wait! I'm almost finished with the one I'm writing now! It's gonna be the best one so far I think and I have I think 6 and this one will be the 7th I believe.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Absolutely nothing. What about you?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I have tried and tried to do a piece on sanctuary, nthing so far has worked out quite like i would like it. now it is going to be while before I can write again I just had surgery on my writing hand

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Content Notification: well the group wont do it so I am doing it. any way I did reply to your topic starter. Basically i said yeah that is a good idea , the topic brings such images to my mind though i need time to filter them. and focus it into a short slice of life.