Huggy Bear : Writing

Understanding Life

Understanding Life

A Poem by Huggy Bear

Many have been told that they are dumb in life. I try to speak on this specific issue.


A Poem by Huggy Bear

Emotions have a knack of fighting against us and ultimately can take us over if we allow it.
The Sky of Desire

The Sky of Desire

A Poem by Huggy Bear

Honesty about be a male virgin in this world
Free Fall

Free Fall

A Poem by Huggy Bear

Death may end sadly but the process towards it can be quite fun


A Poem by Huggy Bear

Nightmares seem so real that they take a life on its own and confusing us on what is real and what is the nightmare
Mother's Day

Mother's Day

A Poem by Huggy Bear

A Mother's Day Poem for all mothers
Death By Choice

Death By Choice

A Poem by Huggy Bear

A theoretical illustration of the dilemma posed by the need to make a decision between two equally attractive proposals.


A Poem by Huggy Bear

A guy's woe from society
Wrong Color

Wrong Color

A Story by Huggy Bear

Color makes the world bright and full of life. Without color the world will be uninspired and uninteresting to life forms that reside here.
Whiskey Time

Whiskey Time

A Poem by Huggy Bear

A time when liquor and peace come together til other things come into play