Cheryl Bousquet

Cheryl Bousquet


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Princess Behind The Wall

Hi My Name is Rhonda and my eyes are on the cover of Princess Behind The Wall. Cheryl Bousquet, A good friend of mine was there for me in my time of need and asked me if she could write about my troubles, my life as an Abused woman. A woman of Domestic Abuse, physical and mental.

How I had built my walls so high as to let no one see the abuse no less the pain I am in. Cheryl has wrote about my Journey into bringing my walls down and to see who I am as A human that I deserve to be loved and understood and I don't need to suffer in silence.

Thank you Cheryl I will always have a spot in my heart for you.

Rhonda Cramer

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Reconnection With Love

Recently, I had the pleasure of reviewing Cheryl Bousquet’s new book Reconnection with Love (Publish America) and being a vivid and picky reader of poetry, I was skeptical on reading her book. Nevertheless, I am very glad that I took the risk on reading her book. Reconnection with Love is a book of poetry that speaks of love in every form.

Her beautiful poems are works of art. The way that Cheryl expresses herself through her work is heartfelt in so many ways. Reconnection with Love speaks to its readers because we all had gone through some emotion as the author herself. These poems truly spark hidden emotions that we do not dare show to ourselves.

Nonetheless, while reading this beautiful book, I could not help but to feel as if I was reading poems from the golden ages of poetry. Every word can connect with you in such a way that her poems will say how you feel for you.

Cheryl might be one of my favorite authors – those are hard to become in my personal library – and I definitely will be looking forward to hear more from Cheryl Bousquet.

I recommend the purchase of Reconnection with Love to anyone that loves poetry; better yet to anyone that is either in love or out of love with someone. You will not be disappointed!!!!

Dennis Rivera
Emotions Unleashed

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Reconnection With Love

Reconnection with Love by Cheryl Bousquet is a poetry book that connects with the inner struggle inside all of us. Her peacefully arranged poetic words gently knock on the door of our hearts offering us the opportunity to receive the precious gifts of inspiration, encouragement, and the ever so precious reminder of how important love is. There is a clear understanding of the struggles we all may face at some point in our lives, but this is a book that encourages us to live, to love, and to enjoy the simple freedoms found in life. “Hold to Faith” is one of the heartfelt poems that lovingly takes its place upon the pages of this heartwarming book. The importance of this poem and its meaning is felt throughout the entire book. Cheryl Bousquet has poured the beauty within her heart out into the pages of Reconnection with Love. It was my pleasure, as a reader, to taste the flavor of its peace, inspiration, and love.

T.S. Wilkins
Poetry Reviewer for The Book Cubby

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Posted 12 Years Ago

I Just Am, You Just Are

The poetic words of Cheryl Bousquet take on a positively elegant form in her book, I Just Am, You Just Are. From the very first poem, the reader is greeted with the essence of deep emotion. She wraps our hearts up in her usual warm blanket of honest feelings and inspiration but adds more of what feels like a smooth, melodic, and soothing whisper that lingers throughout the soul. She creatively escorts us through emotions that have the ability to create specific, realistic, and vivid moments in our minds and hearts such as what happened when I read her poem, “Slender, Silver Band.” She encourages us with poems like, “Hope Does Stay,” and “Part of the Journey.” There are many beautiful treasures found within her book. I Just Am, You Just Are is a symphony of various emotions all playing together to create the wonderful music of love, of honesty, and of poetry.

T.S. Wilkins
Poetry Reviewer for The Book Cubby

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Princess Behind The Wall

When I read “Princess Behind the Wall” the words brought tears to my eyes and they touched my heart, I had no idea that anyone could express my struggles in such few poignant words. Every passage was like a voyage back through my own journey and this book is now my daily inspiration, I open it every day to a random page and no matter which poem I read its always relevant to my here and now. Thank you Cheryl for the gift of your words to the world.

J. Bryant

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Princess Behind The Wall

Inside every woman is that innocent and fragile being that is much like a princess, but who do we become when that ever so precious being becomes trapped behind the walls of heartache? Princess Behind the Wall is an intriguingly uplifting book of poetry by Cheryl Bousquet. It is written in such a way that it speaks to all of humankind. From the dedication at the beginning of the book to the last poem of the book, we are taken on a journey that understands each and every path in life. Are you on the path of heartache? Are you on the path of misfortune and dreams lost? Are you on a path of any kind that just simply has you down? From the beginning, Cheryl Bousquet reminds you that “the human condition has an amazing spirit.” –And so does her book. This is an encouraging read! 

T. Wilkins Poetry Reviewer The Book Cubby