Pete : Writing

When Rock Meets Blues

When Rock Meets Blues

A Poem by Pete

When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest. - Thoreau


A Poem by Pete

Remember that the smallest seed of faith is of more worth than the largest fruit of happiness. - Thoreau
No Matter Where I Abide

No Matter Where I Abide

A Poem by Pete

If anything changes, I’ll just take it in stride. For now, I can still walk down the street and quite happily not get noticed. - Sam Claflin
He, Him and All That He's In

He, Him and All That He's In

A Poem by Pete

Bribed with a little sunlight and a few prismatic tints, we bless our Maker, and stave off his wrath with hymns." - Thoreau


A Poem by Pete

Every child begins the world again. - Thoreau
Drilling For Oil

Drilling For Oil

A Poem by Pete

To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it. - Thoreau
Learning To Float

Learning To Float

A Poem by Pete

Life is a battle in which you are to show your pluck, and woe be to the coward. - Thoreau
Looking Over My Shoulder

Looking Over My Shoulder

A Poem by Pete

This world is but a canvas to our imagination. - Thoreau
Tissues And Other Issues

Tissues And Other Issues

A Poem by Pete

However mean your life is, meet it and live it. - Thoreau
No Rain

No Rain

A Poem by Pete

We do not avoid evil by fleeing before it, but by rising above or diving below its plane; as the worm escapes drought and frost by boring a few inches..