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North Shore, New Zealand
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I write like
Anne Rice

I Write Like by Mémoires.Analyze your writing!

I hadn't discovered my passion for writing until the age of 17. Although I can clearly remember during my early youth, the moment I was told I carried a hint of natural storytelling talent.
For as long as I can recall, my head has always been uplifted towards the proverbial clouds, though I learned to watch where I was walking after colliding many times with a few large beings...

What else is there to tell? I'm twenty-two, a fellow slave of greedy corporations, and I prefer to take life's issues one-step-at-a-time. I'm an artist with both pencil and paintbrush - don't ask me to sculpt something, because I lack the talent and motivation for such a thing. I enjoy nature and it's wildlife. I have a very large Green Iguana, named "Arrowhead" - a blue Parakeet, named "Budgie Boy" - a German Shepherd, named "Christy" - and a calico kitten named "Nala." I'm the oldest of two - my younger sister believes she's the older one though...

Anyway, I suppose I'm taking a chance by posting my work on the internet, but I need more than anything, a few outstanding opinions.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me.




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Posted 13 Years Ago

Ah, it's no problem! I really enjoy reading your work :) I'm excited to see the end result... Eventually :P

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Posted 13 Years Ago


Time doesn't matter, however, the longer you take, the more chapters I may be pumping out, as I've been on a role the past few days. I love that your reviews are very thorough, and I probably should follow your example if I ever hope to get my writing published. Thanks for showing an interest in my story, as I know I've always had a hard time getting into stories based in the time period I'm writing in, and I'm sure it's the same fore most other people. I've already integrated most of your ideas from the prologue, as you may see, and I've kinda switched them around and threw in some of my own phrases to keep it fresh.

On a side note, I'm sitting next to my brother here and he says he recognized you from a long time back. He says that you were the one who greeted him into the community here and reviewed a lot of his work. His name was Connor Fish.

Anyways, I don't know if you remember him or not. Feel free to message me whenever you need, always loving to help out. It's my passion.

Don't you stop writting either!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the fantastic review, I would love to use what you wrote in my Final Draft, you truely have an amazing sense of imagry. Would you let me use some of what you say, and possibly help me through the rest of the book? It may be asking a lot of you, but I feel as if this is the first book I've started that could actually make it somewhere, and I'd appreciate all the help I can get. I'll help you as best as I could as well with your story if you asked it.
Thank you so much,

With love,

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Posted 13 Years Ago

I plan on writing more, of what though, I'm not exactly sure.
But I'll be sure to let you know when it is up.

Thanks again for your insightful and honest review. I look forward to many more constructive conversations!


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Posted 14 Years Ago

haha twisted? me? never.

nooo havent wrote anything worth reading in a while.

all on my brain is

work work work

failing school school school

phone bill bill bill

die die die

stab stab stab


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Posted 14 Years Ago

It's great to hear from you, too-I was actually beginning to think you'd dropped off the face of the earth XD

Hmmm, school you say? From the way you phrased that I'm guessing college; where are you going? Majors, minors...I like to know these kinds of things ;) Sorry, I'm terribly nosey :(

As for my series, thanks for accepting the invite :) I've been revising everything. I got up to Ch. 13, but then I tried out this new writing site. It's a professional one, and by that I mean it's full of adults who are trying to write/edit/review for a living, or plan to. It goes without saying that they slaughtered my book like a pig roasting over an open fire. It's given me a lot of (well work to do, duh) insight, and surprisingly enough, motivation. I think this site is more for you than the cafe is: your work will get much better reviews I'm sure.

As for me...I'm great :D but lately I've been SO busy. Skipped the 8th grade, taking all honors classes, playing all my instruments (er...7 at last count, I don't feel like counting again lol), drawing, working heavily on my book, family stuff, track, swimming, tennis, football...god lord I'm up to ears in stuff to do >.< but life is good :)

Sorry to rant on, next time you comment back I'll just message you XD

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Haven't talked to you in a while :) how are things with you?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Oh ok. I was just asking lol. But wow photography? I can't even take a picture of myself XD but good luck with that! Ummm everything is fine with me at the moment. Had a huge rough patch the other day where my parents almost forced me to stop writing entirely and then they almost grounded me for a year...but now things are ok (and I REALLY hope that they stay that way D:).

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for the review (and the suggestions haha)!!!! :) Hmmm you haven't been on much lately, everything going smoothly in da real world with you? Just curious, sorry if I'm prying :D

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Posted 15 Years Ago

=O hear what???

dunno what ur talkin about...crazy lady...hearin voices =.=