The Red Forest

The Red Forest

A Book by Lady

A novel of war, horrific sightings, betrayal, imaginative beings, and true love.


© 2013 Lady

Author's Note

This would be my very first novel. Taking into consideration that the chapters are scattered all over the place, and that I write fairly slow, this novel probably wont be finished anytime soon. Although I'll be sure to post what I have completed in order. Please feel free to rip it to shreds. It craves for a decent review.

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Just an update to say I have to keep rereading this work. Partly to wait for the next chapter, but because I enjoy it. I'm up to reading it for the third time now. And it merits it. Always something new to find.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Arghh going into this i was having expectation to something, similar to The Tree of Life about maturity and loss of innocence, but i guess i shall read on.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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I have become hooked on this book. I find byself waiting for each chapter. In a literary world, where fantasy novels try to clone Tolkein, Pratchett or Donaldson, Lady is creating a new role. It is unique, and you cannot predict what is coming next.
I'm old enough to remember Flash Gordon on the television, where you would get one chapter a week. I find myself waiting for the next chapter.
I love its unique stance. I can only guess at what is happening in the next one's but I would recomend this novel to everyone. Indeed have.
Well worth every minute.

Posted 13 Years Ago

interesting !

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 29, 2009
Last Updated on June 6, 2013
Previous Versions



North Shore, New Zealand

I write likeAnne RiceI Write Like by Mémoires.Analyze your writing! I hadn't discovered my passion for writing until the age of 17. Although I can clearly remember during my early youth.. more..

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