sherie carter

sherie carter


I'm new

everywhere i go, FL
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About Me

Studying me from a distance, you would see someone who is tall (but not too tall), blonde (with a bit of brown in the mix), and not fat or skinny (sorta stuck in the awkward middle of the two).
If you walk a bit closer, you would probably hear me talking (which is something i do often) or laughing extremely loud (without actually realizing how loud i am being). If you look hard enough..from this distance you might even notice that my eyes are a dark brown color.
If you choose to invade my personal space, you would spot some freckled areas on my cheek bones and across the bridge of my nose (i like to think of them as sun kisses), and you would probably get a coconut scent. (its my favorite :))
If you choose to talk to me, the tall stranger with brown eyes and a hint of sun kisses, you will know that my name is Sherie. You might also be told that while I live in Tampa, but my heart is in Georgia.
I graduated from Ridgeland High May 24, 2008 and miss my friends more than anything.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

=) Thanks! I LOVE YOU FOREVER, too. You's the bestest, shunshine. lol.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey Sherie, how was your week? I bet you are excited about Georgia Southern. Sigh* they still haven't called me back to say if I got the job! I'm competing against another person. I haven't been able to sleep that well. Anyway, hope you are doing well and I hope you write some more poems because they are really inspiring.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey Sherie hope you are doing well. Georgia Southern sounds like fun. I had an interview today and it was 2hrs long! I guess they really liked me. So it looks like I might be getting this full time job. I might start back school this summer *if I get enough money* Anyway, hope your week is going well. Oh and didn't you like the super bowl game? I never watch all of the super bowl, but it was intense this time around. Cya and I hope all is well.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I'm glad you are doing swell :P I'm doing good I guess. I'm confused why I'm in FL, but trying to make the best of it. Hope you have a fabulous day Sherie.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey Sherie! how are you doing today :O

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Le soupir I veulent danser. Prendrez-vous cette danse ? Svp Sherie ! : P

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Ouch! so I'm a jerk face :P Btw you have some good songs on your profile. I like all kinds of music. I usually listen to metal because my youth was hell growing up through my teenage years. Slipknot, Hoobastank, Lamb of God, and Cold Play are among my favorites. I like talking to you because you are easy to talk and relate to. I've been feeling sick the past two days. Some little kid sneezed on me at Best Buy -_- Anyway, have fun and be safe.^

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I'm doing alright. I'm not going to college this semester because the prices are insane and I would rack up a lot of student loan debt quickly! I'm probably going this summer and I am still trying to recover from the move and missing my friends. Right now I am enjoying my time off and the weather in Florida is crazy warm. Luckily it will dip down into the mid 70s for the next 2 weeks. That's all that going on for me. What's up in your neighborhood?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

He Sherie, wie geht es Ihnen? Haben Sie einen sch�nen Tag! ^__^

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Haha... It's not as exciting as you think... I got to hang out with Jessie yesterday, so I didn't have to spend what I thought was my last day alone. hahahahahaha.