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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am here to learn to write. Spread a wealth of thought and do my best to help others. Finding my voice in literature is my priority.

The harsh reality and constructive integrity must always be kept in mind when tearing through ones words. If you read mine and openly share your 100% thoughts i will do so back, if it is something that i feel needs to be said but not broadcasted on a comment i will do my best to offer my 1 cents as my 2 cents is never needed unless you ask.

Blood may dry but brotherhood lives forever.

They Call Me Sniper
Lets Reload

Nights never get this dark and mornings have never been this bright. Is it Mother Nature; she is being quite bi-polar.

Flawed by the Flawless

I just want to become more than theory.

I am a mess of string entangling an orphan of ideas. All alone and stuck in mid air. I just want, hope, wish, need, and ask it to be clear. My final destination is somewhere in this nation of states, but it isn�t here.

Frail and fragile; the weak are disassembled. No one stops to see what the big picture may be. Between you and me I wouldn�t stand for the oppression; as the behavior fits the mold of the horrible and the untold.

A fiddler, a demon and a fool
He plays a tune
He mocks my humanity
He has no cognitive believability

What a tedious need to play this game, and shall we run; hold your heads up without shame as you know that its not about who you know, but how well you put on the fabled show that leaves you labeled; Cleary Unstable.

As if forced to by obligation
Raise your hand for the station
That plays the beat without commercialization
Stand here now to be the abrasion
As if to ask for some perfection

Just remember fragments are pieces of a whole�


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey Matt,
Just a note to let you know that I've started two new blogs. If you have a chance, please check them out:


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you very kindly for your lovely review of GET WHAT YOU DESERVE. I always look forward to your reviews.

God Bless
Norma Gean

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for you review Matt. Hope you have a good time in Europe =P (lucky b*****d).

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Heh, vacation in Missouri with the family. Leave me nice things while I'm gone :D

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Posted 17 Years Ago

and then some

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Why was the rooster so unhappy?

Because he only got laid once and it was by his mother.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

wow, a review from you!! where are you palsy?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey I'm running with scissors to you

say hello to a girl would ya?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

p.s. ur myspace link doesnt work

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you very very muchh on the review of the essay =) MUCH appreciated ciao!