


Posting an exerpt from my latest writing project. Taking things slow an approaching it from a new perspective : )

~The Theme of Love~
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About Me

My name is Writer. I write because I write. To you, I am nothing more than a figment of the imagination; merely words on a screen. To others I can be more; good or bad is entirely up to you. I write becuase i write, and there is nothing you can do to alter this fact. It is as inevitable as death itself.

Okay I'm back and i got some rules. Let me walk you through them ^_^

First: Due to the "Review me but i won't review you back" policy everyoen here on writerscafe seems to have, i will not be accepting any more read requests. If you want me to read something get of your butt and send me a message asking me to review it. If i like what i see, I'll keep up with it and keep reviewing. If not, I'll do what i was asked and move on.

I prefer Stories over Poems. Poetry has grown bland for me. I read it and all it is anymore is someone writing about how they're "happy/sad/mad/confused/lost/perverted/dimented beyond all reason/soemthing/insert favorite 4-letter word here" about "Love/not being in love/being in love/something about love/something about life/something about lack of life/death/zombies/Santa Claus/Chuck Norris/instert another favorite 4-letter word here"
Seriously, it's without end. If you're feelnig something, about something, somebody somewhere sometime has, unfortunately, already written about it. Sorry folks; humanity is complex; but not that complex.

THird: Despite the above two points i will review work not requested due to "respect of the author/I happened to google it and like it/I think you need mental help/I'm bored". If you didn't want me to review it THEN WHY THE @#$% DID YOU PUT IT HERE YOU @#$%^&* @#$%^&* of a @#@$%^-@#$%^& YOU @#$%^!!! I MEAN C'MON!?!? REALLY!?!? ARE YOU @#$%^&* KIDDING ME!?!?!? DON'T POST IT HERE IF YOU DON'T WANT IT REVIEWED!!!

Get it? Are we clear? Good. Glad we understand one another. Oh and Enjoy; I might not be the best but im told i have quite the knack for action/dialogue/Erotica (hate sex? don't read. I warn you ahead of time) so feel free to leave a review. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Or girl; or homo, alien, dog, trannie, insert favorite 4-letter word here. I don't judge. Really. Well i do, but only if asked XD Enjoy yourself now.



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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thank you sweetheart, always a pleasure to see a review from you :) How are you? Hugs for your week xx

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I see, I see that story was out standing. I bet your waiting for more reviews.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Yes, yes, yes that was a brilliant conversation I understood most of it for once. I am less confused about you but we do a lot confuse each other by going on and on about something to confuse ourselves not just others. It's good to talk confusing because it's how humans live there life ignoring god and killing planet Earth. There all confused.. Oh no they might be confused about you and me having this conversation right now

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Posted 14 Years Ago

very confusing... I have read some of your work but yet I will leave you a review. Do you understand writerski7 that everyone is different so you after enter different worlds of culture, langauge, race and religion. This may sound confusing but we do make good conversation using our confusing abilities to confuse one another.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

yes, yes, yes that is a question... Hoping you will tell me the answer on the telephone but you cut me off, you hung me up.. Okay looks like I gotta read some of this

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Posted 14 Years Ago

ok is there anything to worry about. I may be a teenage girl but there shouldn't be any problems at all. I can just do what I like and read to myself so calmly and peacefully

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I will deal with the disastrous words myself. I won't fall into any traps

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Posted 14 Years Ago

oh very funny.. I have not been cursed by reading your words. Your writing has not put a spell on me yet to ruin my life make sure I don't even live long enough to understand your writing. Yes I do believe so but I am daring. So I will like to take a peek into your world of your mind and imagination

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I will send you some reviews anyway.. btw your note made me laugh a bit. I may look timid but I'm as brave as a lion

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Posted 14 Years Ago

If you think you want some reviewing send me any read requests of your write. I would be pleased to read anything of yours.

Goodbye Friend