My Father

My Father

A Poem by WriterSki7

A poem I wrote to my dad after a heated arguement. Doubt this crap's worth reading but might as well put it up on Writerscafe since everybody seems to like the stuff so much . . .



A man of esteem, a man on the rise.

A man of hope, and of sacrifice.

A man of relationships, a man of love.

A man of heart and a man of devotion.

A Righteous man, albeit a man with fault.

A man who understands, and a man who talks.

A man of the future, yet a man of the past.

A man of great courage, yet a man I call Dad.

We don’t see eye to eye, we hardly get along.

Yet with every sun rise, he welcomes me into his home.

A man of deserving pride, a man of great stature.

A man of service, and a man who tries.

A man of the Ages, yet a man I call Dad.

I know we hardly get along

I know we often disagree

But with every sunrise, I know

He’s a man who loves me.


© 2010 WriterSki7

Author's Note

~_~ Just another dose of emotional crap. I only care about reveiws when people read my books. I don't give a damn what you say about my poetry*

Updated. I cannot stand gramatical errors on so small a piece.

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Great write dear :) Loved the sentiments which flow throughout your narration.
I don't find this is emotional crap - this your understanding and relation which you built with you father with time and maturity.

Loved it :)
Singh :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Well although you may or may not care- I liked it. The ending really closed it off, I also like how it's specifically about your dad. It's sweet.

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very sentimental write. It really does shows the love you have for your dad.
My favorite line being "A man of the future, yet a man of the past. "
Nicely describes him for a forward thinking person whom we can find the future(hard to find at the current time)...

Nicely written. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

aww this one really touched father raised me with the help of his mother...if it werent for him and his love for me, i could very well be dead

Posted 13 Years Ago

i really like this. i just got the chance to glance at your page (okay, so maybe i'm gallery-stalking people a bit. XD i need a good read.) but anyway. i read this and i really liked it. it made me think of my dad. (: way to go.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I Love This,
I totally agree on you on what you said about father
Nice Written!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

haha.. reading this on father's day..
our dad's are special neways.. so ur poem is not a crap, but displays your feelings about your dad..
good piece..

Posted 14 Years Ago

i like it

Posted 14 Years Ago

I think this was very nice. I don't always get along with my Dad either, but this was nice. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Cool...! I didn't leave any comments due to the way you express your self.. in this little box.. my review is not important.. so I won't leave you any

Posted 14 Years Ago

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23 Reviews
Added on April 4, 2010
Last Updated on April 19, 2010
Tags: Father, Dad
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