A Day In The Museum

A Day In The Museum

A Story by Stacy Purvis

It was chilly that morning- the day we spent in the museum. I took the train to satisfy my unquenchable thirst for the fantastic view of the countryside, and I was never disappointed. There were hills of gregarious and lustrous green, babbling brooks, creatures running free breathing air so crisp, and intimidating mountains scraping the sky in the distance.
Nature, in all its magnificent glory, and I, a speck of dust invading its space like so many before me. I was captivated and enraptured by its undeniable beauty. But suddenly, I was reminded that I was an invader, a beast, a man riding a train through its very soul, on tracks laid by men, who before me, raped and pillaged its flesh, and I was instantly repulsed by my reflection in the glass as I sat quietly in seat 33A and desecrated its very being. 
A tear rolled down my cheek and I thought to myself, "Man...is truly the beast...a beast of burden". 
Who the f*ck do we think we are? Cutting down trees, building shopping malls and more f*cking condos? We don't NEED more shopping malls and condos. Soon, there won't be any countryside, no trees to cleanse our air no lakes or landscapes with rivers running through it...only concrete jungles in decay.
I became sick to my stomach as I traveled on the train through the countryside with tears rolling down my cheeks on my way to the museum. 
When I arrived at the station, I caught a glimpse of your beautiful, smiling face awaiting me, and my heart began to beat again, hopefully.
I pushed my painful thoughts of the landscapes away and concentrated (instead) on you and the macroscopic museum which lie in wait for us.
It was in the sacred minds of the artists there that I found salvation once more; a reminder that not all men are beasts, but rather, some are saviors of the broken and damned, victims of themselves.
I became grateful once again, as I held your hand and we shared a day in the museum.

© 2020 Stacy Purvis

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The way you've written this Anastasia, it just seems so perfect!
I was engaged from the start, and was devouring the imagery and emotions you provided!
Like the anger of us humans, cutting down trees, using the land unwisely...
I totally agree!
But there are some us, as mentioned in the story, that are really good human beings!
Keep it up Anastasia, well done!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


That's such a straight of your exact point on human behaviour towards nature, I honestly appreciate it...
Actually much to say about this, but I just say, as soon as humans, we, start to enjoy the pleasure and treasures in nature and by nature...World gonna change.....I loved it...:)

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

These thoughts often push their way into my reality and I'm thankful it does for another as well. Humanity in general, is a plague on the Earth and we are slowly eroding away it's organic beauty. Condos, skyscrapers, and suburbia can never compare to nature. There are some who do advocate the planet, sadly they don't outweigh those who are more consumed with personal interest.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The beauty, majesty and glory of nature puts us little humans into perspective, and yet we continue to disrespect it.

Nicely written: Haiku queen >>> Eco queen :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It's interesting that you're close to, if not within, the so-called rust belt. If DT has his way, then there'll be new factories, malls, condos, springing up all over. And in a nutshell that's the dichotomy. The world does not need these new facilities, but tell that to folk in the areas of high unemployment - in this case the US rust-belt. At the moment, if DT is to be believed, these folk don't care much about greenery, climate, wildlife, etc etc - they just want a job and a chance to restore their self-respect. Maybe it's illusory, but I would likely feel the same in their shoes. I don't like it, and I don't mean to sound defeatist. You're right - we are tenants and temporary custodians of the Earth - we have a duty to pass on a sustainable vibrant world to our children and their children. Very difficult.

And so to your story. It achieves its aim, which is to provoke thought and discussion. Personally I think it's a bit clunky in a few places with unconnected statements, e.g. the chilly line at the start. But for the most part it painted its picture well.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love museums !!! And the way you set your story on one, in such a unique way, i just loved ittt. Humanity destroys nature. But museums are there to remind us that not all of humanity is there to destroy. In fact it can create. And produce magnificent things. And all that art and beauty is displayed on museums. I loved your imagery and vocabulary.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The imagery was excellent...I loved it very much...the message in this story was also impressive...seeing the title I never imagined this story would be about nature...yeah, I agree with you..humans truly are uncaring..but some people like you take out time to show the importance of nature...keep writing :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You have some very powerful lines which gives equally vivid imagery. You were able to reach out and touch me with the gloomy thoughts of mans actions as you painted them in words. What more could any writer want than to be able to reach out and touch there readers with there words. Standing Ovation! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

a special moment to overcome the sad and dad things we see in life

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ahh, a simple story yet it leaves an impact...The nature around us, ignored by many, trees becoming lesser and lesser day by day...right, soon there won't be any countryside...where, just for once, we forget about our very hectic lives and breathe in the beauty of nature...still, surprisingly, there are some who do care...
The descriptions you gave while on the train were really beautiful.
Very well written!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The way you've written this Anastasia, it just seems so perfect!
I was engaged from the start, and was devouring the imagery and emotions you provided!
Like the anger of us humans, cutting down trees, using the land unwisely...
I totally agree!
But there are some us, as mentioned in the story, that are really good human beings!
Keep it up Anastasia, well done!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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30 Reviews
Added on June 11, 2017
Last Updated on June 10, 2020
Tags: nature, beauty, destruction, man, beast, concrete, writing, story, a day in the museum, xosassystaceox, sassystace, writer


Stacy Purvis
Stacy Purvis

Columbus, OH

Altruistic Enigmatic Polymath | Writer, Poet, Actress, Musician, EMT, CNA, Phlebotomist. I'm an Artist. I paint pictures of the verbal kind.☕️❤️ 333 more..


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