

A Poem by annie lee

repressed, tongue-tied, stove-up, paralyzed --- oh, the adjectives just pile up...



she was a woman of few words,

keeping her own counsel,

her hands close to the vest.

reticence was her only plan.

she wanted to be invisible

but that was not possible.

her eyes cast down,

she avoided the crush of crowds,

forever aghast at violating another’s space.

to be unnoticed

was her cherished goal.

but she was gravity’s hostage,

unable to dance or move gracefully,

forever mired in the baseness.

and how they always noticed

and held her in contempt,

saying “she’s stuck-up!  she’s elitist!”

all she could do was laugh.

another of god’s little jokes,

she surmised.

isn’t he tired of them yet?




© 2015 annie lee

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Featured Review

I like the story and the message in the poem. Many people are not understood.
"all she could do was laugh.
another of god’s little jokes,
she surmised.
isn’t he tired of them yet?"
The above lines were my favorite. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry. A very good tale and some wisdom in your words.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

annie lee

8 Years Ago

Thank you.


I like the story and the message in the poem. Many people are not understood.
"all she could do was laugh.
another of god’s little jokes,
she surmised.
isn’t he tired of them yet?"
The above lines were my favorite. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry. A very good tale and some wisdom in your words.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

annie lee

8 Years Ago

Thank you.

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1 Review
Added on August 14, 2015
Last Updated on August 14, 2015
Tags: #introvert


annie lee
annie lee

Prunedale, CA

I'm a tough old broad who spent almost 30 years at Ma Bell, and that is high level training for surviving in the jungle. Thank you for your patience. I am retired from the Unix and Linux world, but w.. more..

forbidden forbidden

A Poem by annie lee