A Poem by 3X3MPLER



been away for a while
am back
almost got lost
the place has a new paint job
but the coffee is the same
am glad its the same
thats why i like this cafe
"coffee please"
give me the monday special
it is still poems with a bit of rhyme and humor
put extra humor without any metaphors
the last time i took metaphors and humor i got a terrible headache
great minds converge in this place
being here makes my aura bright
and my brain on fire
i could swallow raw eggs
and theyll be well boiled by the time they land in my stomach
my pen is an extension of my arm
cant stop writing
man i love writing i know you do too
come in take some coffee
and put the pen on the paper

© 2016 3X3MPLER

Author's Note

i thought you would enjoy this

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There was a time in history that coffee was considered too dangerous for the comment man. Make him think too much. Like love, it's hard to go wrong when you write about coffee. I love coffee.

Posted 7 Years Ago

I wish there was a place like that here. There's a lot of speakeasy's, but the people there don't seem interested in expanding literary horizons, they just go for the Long Island iced tea's. But I do love me some coffee!

Posted 7 Years Ago

You've managed to capture this place perfectly, and at the same time include my most favorite things
past time writing, with a cup of caffeinated nectar. Your right I did absolootly enjoy this !

Posted 8 Years Ago

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I did enjoy this, nicely done

Posted 8 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 30, 2016
Last Updated on May 30, 2016
Tags: coffee