The Girl That Left Me Hanging

The Girl That Left Me Hanging

A Story by 78Jon

Short story about a very good looking girl that left me hanging in the breeze. It sort of destroyed my life after meeting her.

In church, one Sunday morning I sat in the pew. To the left of me, I saw a blonde headed girl sitting in the row behind me at the other end of the pew. I kept eyeing her because she was hot, cute, and great looking. The best part about that was being attracted to her face. Nowadays it's almost required for women to dress and show their bodies, so the body is the first thing that catches a guy's attention. I have a gym habit, and it seems like the gym women want that body to get the attention of any men. So thinking back, it was cool I was attracted to her face. Anyhow, I saw her stand up when the preacher called for all military personnel to stand up. I then found out she was in the military. The preacher made another comment addressing the military personnel, and I looked at her (she was glancing at me) and pointed. She nodded her head and smiled in a weird way. I had to do it. I got up, went out of the sanctuary, and walked back into the sanctuary headed for her spot. I scooted in front of her and sat down beside her. She looked startled. I picked up on her being a bit startled. I got really nervous then and sort of felt like an idiot. Anyhow, the preacher had started a sermon and she poked me on the leg (I think it was the leg), and she had her Bible open. She pointed at the text where the preacher was reading from and I just looked at the Bible.  I stayed put after the service was over, and a woman in front of her started talking to her. I stood there waiting for the conversation to be over because I wanted to talk to her. For some reason, the woman who was talking to her looked at me standing there and said "Do you want him standing there?". I felt a little violated and put on the spot. The woman knew my name and I went to the same Sunday School class. I was a little bummed that she didn't even say "That's Jon, he went here as a kid and he goes to my Sunday School class" or something. Instead I got "Do you want him standing there?". I still get confused as to how to view that, especially with no introduction. The young lady might have taken more kindly if the woman introduced me. I felt put on the spot, and the young lady "Aleese" or "Aleece" just stared at me. The question wasn't directed at me so I didn't say anything. I left. I walked out of the sanctuary and started walking out. Aleese then all of a sudden passed me, seemingly hurrying to the parking lot. I slowed her down by speaking to her.  She was from New Hampshire. She was getting out of the Army in 2 weeks. I asked her if she wanted to meet me at the church on Saturday. She said "ok". So when Saturday came, she didn't show. That killed me. It crushed me so bad. It literally hurt so bad it was like an instant broken heart. One of those feelings like your heart sinks out of your chest and out your bottom. I believe she showed back up a week or two later on a Sunday morning. As soon as I walked in the sanctuary doors, she was inside and started walking to a seat. I of course asked her what happened (regarding Saturday). She said she had something to do. After we sat down, I asked what it was she had to do, and she said "something". My mom of course scooted into me so I had to move down a bit. And the girl then moved halfway down the pew. Then she moved all the way down the pew. I kind of got the idea at this point that maybe I barked up the wrong tree. So I just sort of thought it out for a moment. I noticed out of my peripheral vision she was saying "You're bothering me, Don't have sex, You're not ready for me". Then she left. I never saw her since. By those phrases she was sort of lipping, and watching her drive off in her car saying "You handed in Osama" and "Don't have sex and I'll give in?", I took it to mean she's coming back. I'm just not ready. I also heard her tell someone more or less, "He has to have the job and a new car". In other words, there was more going on that I knew.  Everyone else already knew this would happen. The young lady was basically letting them know she isn't going to mess with me because she already knows I'm a broke joke and nobody is going to give me a job. I'm a retired drug addict, and I even heard someone in that f*****g church say "He has to take less". It's an irritant. People have muttered things in my ear my whole life. That's due to them already knowing my future and everything about me. People are a******s. They like to have their own fun. They have their fun with no remorse for another person. It's actually hurtful. They don;t give a f**k though, most of them were already stuck in their lives, they know they weren't getting anything else, so they have no courtesy towards other. They're going to get their way and say what they want to say.  After I remembered the works of that Holy Spirit, it finally dawned on me. The people of the church knew this was going to happen. There's actually no other chance for me to get a female in life. Zero. Nobody in this area will give me a job. So many people came around when I was a child standing in the street possessed by a Holy Spirit. The only thing the a******s know how to do is mutter phrases when I pass by them. They either mutter what I'm thinking or mutter something related to me. It gets truly annoying, especially after it happens over a hundred f*****g times. When that God damned Spirit can tell people what you think, 30 years before you think it, people will definitely have their f*****g fun with it. They'll have zero regard either.  So now, I'm left 8 years in thought about this young lady who apparently informed me I have to be ready for her, have a new car, the job, and not have sex. Was this a trick? Is it to keep me patiently waiting and nothing ever happen? I know plenty of a******s are awaiting me to have sex so they can chunk my f*****g a*s to the side and laugh. Low life America, people LOVE to laugh at other people's misery. In low life America that means people laughing at people who try and commit suicide and laughing when someone loses everything they have. Out of this, I'd recommend never being poor. The women don't like poor non confident men. I think my situation just showed I lacked confidence when I met this girl due to my "poor" situation. The American women are c***s, they love money and materials. When the sex dies, the relationship gets old, that God damned money keeps things together. That nice car with A/C, that nice house with luxuries inside, oh man. That definitely keeps a couple together.   Nonetheless, this female making me think she was coming back kept me from approaching 2 females. I was introduced to one lovely brunette who was slightly taller than me. I was nervous at the time and kind of keeping to myself because I was in a Drug program, so I sort of blew it off keeping in mind the blonde was coming back, I just wasn't ready yet. Big mistake of mine. I actually had a dream of this brunette. She was wearing a short skirt maid outfit at the kitchen sink, and I was sort of sitting there watching. So you could say that's the girl of my dreams that I passed by. I missed out. Everyone just stood back watching, as they already knew what was going to happen.  Another rafting trip presented an opportunity to possibly get something going with another lovely female. In the front of my mind, the blonde was returning when I was ready. It only hurts me. It surely doesn't bother her. That seems to be the case, things only hurt me and it's all setup so no one else gets hurt. Helluva way to live. 

© 2015 78Jon

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Added on November 25, 2015
Last Updated on November 26, 2015



Col. Hghts. , VA

I'm the guy who was the first American to find out how bad of a human Osama Bin Laden was. As a kid I got many visits from a Holy Spirit, and society wound up getting the "fruits" of this Spirit. I ha.. more..

Drug Addictions Drug Addictions

A Story by 78Jon

 Feelings Feelings

A Story by 78Jon