Technology,sorry,I couldn't recognize you!

Technology,sorry,I couldn't recognize you!

A Story by AkashGoel

In today’s supersonic and miscellaneous world the one essential rope that keeps us all obliquely bound to each other is technology. Moreover, technology is that critical facet of life that channelizes and facilitates human efficiency. We are heavily dependent on technology and its eternal scope of progression and evolution. Technology has thus cemented its everlasting foundation in our lives.

However, there are a certain group of people living amongst us who refrain from gizmos and associate it with rocket science. It’s not that they are incompetent, but they are just unexposed to the dynamic world of technology. Take my grandmother for instance. She was recently gifted an elegant white iPod touch which had come preloaded with bhajans. Initially she was enthralled and excited to grasp the device in her wrinkled fingers. However once she held the device and discovered that she was unable to accomplish the elementary task of switching it on she fell prey to transient disappointment. From that moment onwards I took her under my wing. Since I am a tech-savvy person I wouldn’t let the iPods caliber go unnoticed. As a result, I acquainted my grandmother with the vast array of tasks the device could flawlessly perform. However, my efforts died in vain. My grandmother would keep the iPod connected with the charger all the time. Moreover, the only two operations that the device ever executed was increment and decrement of the volume since the bhajans were always playing. Instead of pressing the ‘pause’ button my grandmother would unethically mute the volume.

The long and short of it is that the mere task of operating an iPod seemed to be as strenuous and tedious a task as preparing for IIT is.


-Akash Goel

© 2013 AkashGoel

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Added on September 26, 2013
Last Updated on September 26, 2013
Tags: Technology, Tech, ipod



New Delhi, Delhi, India

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A Story by AkashGoel

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A Story by AkashGoel