Episode 1: See Me?

Episode 1: See Me?

A Chapter by Allison

Well, that was awkward.

[A MAN is unconscious in the middle of a street, while a crowd of people panic. One person calls 911, and another checks the MAN's pulse. While the hustle and bustle of the crowd went on, the MAN's spirit came out of his body. He observes his surroundings then notices his body.]

MAN: What?! I'm dead?!

MAN IN SUIT: [Appears behind MAN] Not yet, at least. [MAN jumps in surprise] Wyatt Bringer, you were in an accident, if you haven't already figured that out.

WYATT: What do you mean I'm not dead yet? Who are you?

MAN IN SUIT: I'm the Planner. You are not dead but in a coma now. You are able to recover though. You can either choose to die now, or you can do a test.

WYATT: I'm not giving up that easily! What's the test?

PLANNER: [Smiles] Here take this. [Hands Wyatt a little square device with a button] During the test if you ever have a problem or question, push that to call me to you. The test requires you to find three people who truly love you.

WYATT: Do my parents count?

PLANNER: Of course not! Family doesn't count. That would be too easy!

WYATT: Oh, of course.

PLANNER: You need the proof.

WYATT: Proof?

PLANNER: They need to cry for you.

WYATT: Hmph, okay then. But I'm a ghost.

PLANNER: A spirit can still touch and feel. The people being touched do not notice though.

WYATT: Oh, so, uh, you got a name?

PLANNER: My name is Reid, I am a Planner for people who die or go into comas. I have to be around for people in this area. And you must know that you don't go back to life until you get the last confirmation.

WYATT: How do I know I got any people that cry?

PLANNER: [Waves hand toward WYATT, and the button device makes a beeping sound] That will go off and show the amount you have.

WYATT: Okay! Any rules I should know?

PLANNER: You can move items, but you absolutely cannot take any or hide them! The consequence is losing a day every time. If you accidentally knock any over you can either leave them or put them back with no consequences.

WYATT: Lose a day? There's a time limit?

PLANNER: You have plenty of time: a year. There are secret ways to earn more days. Of course, I can't tell you. Some people get many years sometimes. But you must think they had that whole time to find the people who truly loved them. It took them that long. You might be short or long. It all depends on people who know you.

WYATT: Huh? Well, I think I'll be able to find the people who love me easily! At least a month or so. And do I have to be around the people that cry?

PLANNER: [Smirks] That's up to you, boy. And, no, you can be anywhere you want to be, but the device will go off whenever a person cries for you. Being around them when they cry just allows you to know who cried for you. [Disappears]

WYATT: Wait, are there any other rules I should know?! [Looking around for him frantically]

PLANNER: [Voice around WYATT] If you ever get close to doing something to get a penalty, I'll tell you before you do it.

WYATT: [Quietly] Okay, then. [To self] I guess I should follow my body. [Looks up to see the paramedics pulling his body into the ambulance and quickly jumps inside]

[At the hospital]

DOCTOR: Your son was injured roughly, but nothing we can't fix. [Pauses] Sorry, ma'am, but he is in a coma, and we can never guess when he'll wake up. The only thing we can do is wait.

WYATT'S MOTHER: Okay, thank you, Doctor. I'll have to call his friends and boss. Am I able to sleep in his room, while I wait?

DOCTOR: Of course, feel free. If you need anything, just ask.

WYATT: [Walking with his mother] Wow, I knew she was tough, but she is taking this nicely! Don't worry, Mom, I'll wake up for you! [Quickly leaves the hospital]

[At WYATT's best friend's house]

WYATT: Once Sean hears the news, he might cry. Man, it might not work though, us guys don't cry easily!

SEAN: [Sitting at desk working, when his phone rings, and answers it] Hello? [Pause] He what?! [Pause] Aw, man! I'm sorry, Mrs. Bringer, I hope he wakes up as soon as possible. I'll come by once I get the chance. Keep me updated if anything happens, please. [Pause] Okay, bye! [Hangs up and rests his face in his hands] He'll wake up, I know he will.

WYATT: I will faster, if you cry! Ugh! [Storms out of his friend's house] Wow, I hope I don't get used to walking through walls. I'd run into them when I wake up.

PLANNER: [Voice] Don't worry, you won't remember your time as a ghost, if you wake up.

WYATT: [Sighs] I don't think any of my guy friends would cry for me off the bat. Guess, I'll have to go for my friends that are girls. I only need three. But they need to truly love me-Ah! This could be harder than I thought!

PLANNER: [Chuckling] Like I said, boy.

WYATT: Oh, shut it, Reid! Don't talk to me, while I think out loud to myself! [Pauses] Okay, who should I go to first? Amy? Or maybe Rach-[Runs into someone] Oof!! What?! [Looks down to see a girl sitting on the ground rubbing her head] What happened?

GIRL: Ow, watch where you're going!

WYATT: What? How did you-Oh! You're a ghost, too! Hi-

GIRL: [Looks up at WYATT with confusion] What? Are you crazy? I'm not a ghost, they don't exist!

WYATT: [Stunned and shocked] But I am a ghost, my body is in a coma. I can't touch or talk to people with them noticing, so you must be a ghost, too.

GIRL: If you know you're a ghost, I'm sure I'd be aware of it, too.

WYATT: Oh, then you must be alive! [Looks around for some kind of proof] Look! All these people are looking at you like you're talking to yourself!

GIRL: [Looks around and observes that he's right] What!? I-If I . . . You come with me! [Grabs his wrist and pulls him between two buildings] Now listen here, buck-o, I don't know what's going on but this better not be some kind of prank!

WYATT: Ugh! It isn't! I don't know why I bother wasting my breath with you. If you don't believe me, leave!

GIRL: [Looks at him intently] Maybe you are a ghost, but why can I see and talk to you? And touch you? And if you ARE a ghost, you can't breathe! [Lets go of his wrist]

WYATT: [Looks at her oddly] A minute ago you were saying they don't exist.

GIRL: Well, I always wondered if it was possible . . . [Bashfully looks away, thinking]

WYATT: Do I look weird or something?

GIRL: [Snaps out of her mind] Not at all, you look like a normal human. What's your name?

WYATT: Wyatt Bringer. You?

GIRL: Cheyreen Larson. You can call me Chey for short. How old are you?

WYATT: [Rubs his wrist nervously] Twenty-five. And you?

CHEY: Eighteen. How did you . . . get turned into a ghost?

WYATT: Car accident. Maybe Reid can tell me something about this situation.

CHEY: Reid?

WYATT: He is the ghost that told me I'm a ghost pretty much. [Pulls out the device and presses the button]

PLANNER: [Appears and startles both WYATT and CHEY] Yes?

WYATT: [Stares at the PLANNER then looks at CHEY] She can see, hear, and touch us. What does that mean? [Points to CHEY]

PLANNER: [Smiles] Looks like you got lucky, eh? She is one of those interesting people who can see the dead or almost dead in your case. [Pokes CHEY's forehead as she flinches] You, girl, are able to do whatever you want: keep talking to him or walk away as if nothing happened. That's all I'll say. Bye! [Disappears]

CHEY: What? [Pauses] This is fascinating! [Smiles]

WYATT: [Stares at her in disbelief] You are one strange girl.

CHEY: [Crosses arms, offended] So what happens if I talk to you?

WYATT: I don't know . . . Oh! Maybe you can somehow help me!

CHEY: With what?

WYATT: I have a year to find three people who truly love me, and you are the one who is able to talk to them!

CHEY: I don't see how that helps.

WYATT: No, no, no, I mean you can say stuff about me to make them cry and show their feelings.

CHEY: But I barely know you, and they wouldn't understand how we met either.

WYATT: Well, maybe we can tell them I'm a ghost.

PLANNER: [Voice around them] Ah, ah, ah! You can't make her tell others that you're a ghost, that will trigger a penalty.

CHEY: [Looks up as if the PLANNER's there] What if I tell them on accident or tell them without him ordering me to?

PLANNER: [Chuckles] Smart. And, yes, that's fine. If you're willing to help him, that's up to you, girl. He doesn't get penalties for your choices.

CHEY: Well, there you go! I can help, if I choose to.

WYATT: [Unsure] You're going to help?

CHEY: Hm, yeah.

WYATT: Yeah, I fig-wait! You will help me?

CHEY: I said, "yeah."

WYATT: But why? You don't know me!

CHEY: So? I like helping people. And besides, you could die if I don't help. That would be rude if I just ignore you and carry on knowing I could have saved someone's life!


CHEY: Yeah, so how are we going to do this?

WYATT: [Stares blankly] Well, you're the ghost-seer, and I can't tell you what to do!

CHEY: [Sighs] Fine. Well, how do you know when someone truly loves you?

WYATT: They have to cry for me, and this device has to go off. So what can you think of with that information?

CHEY: [Pauses] Okay, first of all, I could go talk to a friend of yours. But thinking it through, if I tell them you're a ghost and all that, they will either think I'm crazy or won't be able to cry.

WYATT: [Nods] So what's another method?

CHEY: I could just somehow "magically" meet them, and talk about you, and maybe it will trigger their crying. But we would have to make up some kind of story of how we met.

WYATT: Do you go to any public places often?

CHEY: Cafes and fast-food restaurants.

WYATT: Rest Stop 101?

CHEY: Yes, I love that cafe!

WYATT: [Smiles] Okay, then. Let's agree to meeting each other there one day, and that we oddly ended up becoming friends.

CHEY: [Chuckles] I always oddly make friends! But that works I suppose!

© 2013 Allison

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Added on February 4, 2013
Last Updated on October 5, 2013
Tags: ghost, spirit, coma, dead, death, life, rescue, help, kind, love, accident, nice, hope




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A Poem by Allison