It Matters Little

It Matters Little

A Poem by Allen Smuckler

"found in the archives"...


It matters little

where we spend our time,

as long as we

spend it together...


it matters little

whether we’re apart,

as long as our spirits

are with each other..


it matters little

that we’re in love,

if it is not

with one another...



© 2012 Allen Smuckler

Author's Note

Allen Smuckler
Written: January 29, 1972
Photo: A typical sunset on beautiful Siesta Key Beach, Sarasota, FL (Feb. 24, 2011)

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Haven't try to load a picture in a while. I did like the poem. Life is a simple journey. Need to try to be happy and hang with the people you enjoy. Thank you for the excellent poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

100% the truth here :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ah thats lovely.

Posted 12 Years Ago

AAAWW.... I so love your spirit!! It really shows in your writing!! GREAT PENNING MY FRIEND!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is great! I feel you man! As I couldn't have said id better in my own words following my own muse throughout time on this Earth and beyond dimensions. This is exactly the message I share with her. Thanks! :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

this is pretty much straight to the point. it shows a love that the person has for the other, but also shows that he's not a fool. i like it a lot. i like this kind of straight forward poetry where there's not something takes two hours to try to figure out. you say what you have to say and (for lack of a better phrase) that's what all that matters. nice piece!

Posted 12 Years Ago

cuts right to the bone. a wonderful poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Love always matters in some way it seems. Just how you described it was steller. Of little consequence lying beneathe all the reasons to love them. It (everything) about them revolves around that underneathe love we have for our other or even for our family.) If we've lost that person to illness (as I think you suggest here between lines) they left a hole where their outline inside our hearts held them dear. But, when you last saw them and you knew that you were loved for you and they as well for themselves, it keeps that connection within the two of you, just faint but there and you can feel them from time to time tug on that connection, letting you know that you are thought of and loved still by them...Never to be parted and also letting you know that "It Matters Little" the separation..the love is always strong and true as your poem states. I loved the theme in it and that you told it simple but you can read a great deal inbetween the words and lines. Very beautiful soft wonderful piece. Loved it :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Very nice poem! I loved how it was so short yet sweet and very strong too. It has a great flow and sounds amazing.
Yeah, café is behaving real weird today. I spent like five minutes writing a good and decent review for a poem and when I submitted it, bam! It cut the whole review practically and left only the first line:(
I guess they're working on the site or something which is why there are some problems.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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43 Reviews
Added on March 19, 2012
Last Updated on April 6, 2012


Allen Smuckler
Allen Smuckler

Sarasota, FL

I'm a poet, a singer, a peaceful gunslinger.. looking to share my poetry..and a little bit of me...if I dare I 've been writing since I was 18.... am slightly older now, and still trying to fin.. more..


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