" Farmer's Market..."

" Farmer's Market..."

A Poem by Chris

A Sunday sort of thing


Sometimes I feel we need to be HEARD with the "nows" ears and not just our “always” eyes.



“Farmer’s Market…”


Sunday morning - sound of life

Breath …beginnings, movings.

Sun’s light - flowing out and in

peaking and peekings, patterns

and weavings

thoughts floating and flowings -

…the softness of a glistening you…

to coffee and the rising sun.


A chill autumn day

both bright and full.

And the crispness feels …good

as the hand grasps

“possibles” bag and stick.

Strides begin as the mind awakes

and sings and breathes

to each separate taste

of todays way.


Red, yellow, and rainbowed peppers.

Drams of honeys - full

field flavored and even combs.

Season’s last green beans,

midsummer's squash

and fall’s flower colors,

pumpkins - all sizes, shapes and hues.


Sweet onions, cabbage, garlic,

basil, thyme, rosemary grown wild.

Fresh made noodles and pastas, seasonings…

butchered meats, fresh trucked fish,

Honey Crisp Apples sweet and dear.

A smattering of cheeses, fresh organics,

free range eggs, and a little sweet corn

…and then the ciders too.


So much freshness - their tastes forgotten

as we shop supermarkets and chain stores.

And yet so often remembered

when you sit at tomorrow’s tables

and pass the pale canned versions

of limp and taste-less somethings

not EVER remembered.


Familiar voices of the hawkers -

doing what they do best

chattering as friends and neighbors do

for they are mine after all.

Playing a lil catch-up,

haggling and dealing

and the winners count coup

as the losers step up.


And the sad lil smile as I turn away

- today was this years last day…

I already miss them all.



© 2013 Chris

Author's Note

feel free

My Review

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This is, in my minds eye at least an attempt to graphically portray a collective recollection of sensory experiences & whilst the ultimate objective remains a little obscure, it is nevertheless a kaleidoscope of vivid and real feelings, thoughts and possibly even behaviours locked in time to a moment that is particularly personal but is also worth sharing.... N

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you for pausing with me and sharing your thoughts. I hope to see and hear you again.
This reminds me of market days in California
Gawd the fruit and vegetables .....
And the faces and sounds and scents..colors
it seems like a hundred years ago
Mom pointing out and picking
Dad fumbling with bags and boxes
My eyes so busy .. my mouth watering
cause I knew what Mom would prepare
when we got home.. home
Imagine a market place
so full with strangers
still able , to make me think about

Thanks for coloring today with sweet memories..


Posted 10 Years Ago

there is a wonderful feel to the Farmer's Market.. in a little town high up in the cascades there is a three day autumn festival that combines the last of the farmer's market with a street fair... it is good for the soul..

Posted 10 Years Ago

There's a very....reach out and grab you capability here, if you will. In it's well worded description, it still leaves plenty of room for the imagination to visually picture each "scene" describing it as how it's described in your phrases. Bonus- at the end, a sort of jolt is delivered as the whole mood, setting and undercurrent make you possibly realize that while we're so busy living our lives, we're forgetting how to LIVE. I understand and adhere to what I comprehended as being the whole objective or thesis....nice.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Oh I love the farmers markets! There is something that fills the soul touching food so close to the ground rather than a dreary store with produce that has no taste...and the honey! and the flowers! and yes the people ( : a treat for the senses... that will return in spring... which reminds me...I have some berries I need to put up as jam...
Love these thoughts Chris ( :

Posted 10 Years Ago

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25 Reviews
Added on October 16, 2013
Last Updated on October 16, 2013
Tags: Poetry, Writing, CHris



Lansing, MI

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