"I Wouldn't Presume..."

"I Wouldn't Presume..."

A Poem by Chris

Just a thought - but it isn't Spring yet...


Behind our eyes is where we live… while in front of our eyes is where we often wish we were.


"I Wouldn't Presume…"




Come lass,

share the sun's touch

the aerie's wonder

the clarity of a finger's tip -

brushing that bang back to where it belongs.


Walk beside - walk along

pause and breathe and be.

Listen and be heard -

Sign and sing and move to the heart within.

Touch and be - touched

hold and be …held…


I miss the feel of breath 'çross my cheek,

the taste of a lavandar heart on my lips,

the soft echoes of tones filling my soul

as I melt into the very world I watch -

awaiting each …now

awaiting as each …pause… fills my hand

with a gently trembling you.


Sun's rise

Sun's set

befores and afters and moments of ever,

sillysoft smiles and eyes so full of just being …near -

I can hear the winds' tears

falling 'cross the world -

becoming the rivers' roar

and the oceans' ceaseless weave.

I taste an endless you in every breath

and exhale an endless me to walk each path's memories.


As I sit here 


into the gaze of eternity's eyes… dreaming of my you

do you …dream… of your own me?


…just a thought,

I do that ya know…


It's what we do.




© 2015 Chris

Author's Note

feel free

My Review

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Well, I'm just soaking up this delicious write of yours...but "taste of a lavendar heart"...love it! I find myself gazing...

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

It was nice "seeing" you here and feeling that "gaze".
You use phrases that hold so much more meaning that words,

' As I sit here ~ staring ~ into the gaze of eternity's eyes… dreaming of my you ~ do you …dream… of your own me? '

Seems we create our own illusions of people we want, need to know better, hold, love.. and you, Chris, have placed those thoughts in perfect order. From start to finish, wondrous emotion.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Hi Em... nice to see you.
You compose lines as if they held the wonder of a rainbow stretched across the sky for all to see. How magical, how ethereal you allow your reader to feel! x

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

It's what we do Kell... who we are.
Those things, nearest and dearest and laced with so much personal power. You lay down a list to die for, that is for sure.

Posted 5 Years Ago

I really love this piece. I was especially moved by these words:
Walk beside - walk along
pause and breathe and be.
Listen and be heard -
Sign and sing and move to the heart within.
Touch and be - touched
hold and be …held…

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Me too... sigh.

5 Years Ago

After reading this and a few others you have captured the beauty of love. Not everyone gets it or understands it, love that is. It is out there but you have to be patient and let it come to you and then enjoy, slowly. Nice job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

You captured the image to this poem very well. I felt like i was seeing this rather than reading, and that takes good writing skill to do. Great job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

I read several poems of "wishful" remembering today. This poem floats into my consciousness and leaves me wondering how my subconscious mind will fully interpret my own dreaming of the one I will no longer feel breathing "cross my cheek".
Is it always "my you" I see? I guess so. Can we ever see the you of your own dreams? I think so. I hope so.
Pondering here Chris... I like to ponder, because then I know I have experienced a little bit more of a given moment of time. Thank you for enriching my day with your thoughts.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

It becomes more personal when you reflect of the reader's insight and vision- least to me.
Love the Behind our eyes line. The poem is dreamy and in places took me back to things in my past that I long to remember. Thank you. Valentine

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

You're always welcome Kathie, anytime at all.
thoughts of life in motion great write

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks Wordman, good seeing you.

9 Years Ago

my pleasure has been a while since I read your work

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35 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 12, 2015
Last Updated on March 12, 2015
Tags: Poetry, Writing, CHris



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