"Who You Are..."

"Who You Are..."

A Poem by Chris

a pause


Discovered you really do have opinions yet?  Had any seriously "deep" thoughts and perhaps have had and made some "profound" self-discoveries?


“Who You Are…”


Do you like dollar-ninety-five words 

and look out upon caerulean skies?


Mirrored, mirrored walls so high

Glistening, gleaming into the skies

‘til up above my head so sleek

their falling tears meander down my cheeks…


I thought and knew me most of all


Are you as PC as the wynds that

whisper so changingly,

delightedly deceit-full and 

memorabilia-less to each foot's passage

tween always was and ne're-to-be(s)?  


-  die healthy or eat food?  -


Know the difference or

KNOW the differences?

- know at all -



Do you hear the music

…or listen? and to what?

Whom? - even yourself?


Whys can be

what could be

but when - now that's a question even

self-colored horses can't answer


…Oz always is tomorrow from where 

I fall asleep

and I stand - doing - in a yesterday 

that hasn't ever happened yet - go figure.


Know the artist,

see your self

or dream the life

or dream life

or dream of life…

perchance just to dream.


Have talk to walk?

Or is the low-crawl the best?

Questions even the military live by.


People to see and things to do -

places, places everywhere

but not a place to be…

and yet




what my tomorrow was like

and how will yours be?

…ya think?



Who are you?



© 2015 Chris

Author's Note

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This piece actually gave me chills in certain spots throughout. "Mirrored, mirrored walls so high... Glistening, gleaming into the skies... 'til up above my head so sleek... their falling tears meander down my cheeks..." SHIVER! So fabulously written, Chris. Freedom... Freedom to be oneself. Dreams and reality. To end this with the question 'Who are you?' was quite brilliant in my opinion. I change so consistently that I'm not sure if I will ever truly know myself, but I do very much enjoy discovering and learning to love these new things. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Hi Kylie, Careful - chills are contageous...
Deviant Works

8 Years Ago

Ahaha.:) True, true...
Splendid, I love the tone you bring to this piece! I feel we must take time and look over our thoughts and what we look for in the future. Your style of writing is nicely done as well! :)

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

I like speaking with the reader rather than at.
a poem that makes you think, and wonder about life
and all matters of life

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Good morning Wordman... thoughtful time...

8 Years Ago

you are welcome chris
A very interesting, thought-provoking and articulate write... it's interesting because at an age when i should know myself very well, i am still discovering things about who i am and what makes me tick... i never no where i am going but i know where i am and i am content to allow my tomorrows to lead me to where they want to go...

Still, there is much in this write to make me wonder... i hope you don't mind if i pull up a chair and hang out for a bit.

I really enjoyed this piece...

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Coffee's on the sideboard - mugs in the cabinet...

8 Years Ago

Thanks, Chris... appreciate it!

8 Years Ago

I think we rediscover ourselves at whim... and assign relevancy as we need to each day.
Adore this! I feel like there is more that I want to say about it, but it's a feeling I can't quite name. Thank you!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Sometimes we have a need to ...pause and consider ...our options - as in what we "come with" package.. read more
There is so much wisdom in your words, Chris.
I loved sitting with this, I feel better for it.

Posted 9 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Somedays the Cafes "feel" pretty empty and others not a table open for miles...
Chris. I first read this last night, then came back to it early this morning after dropping Charlie at school and settling down for a while of quiet time in my conservatory. Always, (and in good way,) when I read your work, I am given pause for thought.

We are such multi-layered creatures that perhaps you pose an unanswerable question.


Posted 9 Years Ago


8 Years Ago


I think we tend to change whenever we pause to seriously look at who we now perc.. read more
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And then there's you, chris...as long as you "breathe" you have a chance to wake up in "OZ"

Posted 9 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

God yes! Oz IS where we find it don'tcha know...
Hmm the introspective.. I like to live by the credo "Know thyself" so I do a lot of this...maybe too much so, but then I know that about myself too. Once you do, it really helps to slough all of the past decisions and regrets, because we have a deeper understanding...or do we just think we do and use it for justification. Such philosophies have been debated for years and will continue to be debated in the years to come. The catch 22 of futures past.

Posted 9 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Now THIS was a nice way to begin a Monday's morning - anew. The thoughts echo within and new flows .. read more
My favourite line was die healthy or eat food?
What's the right way to live?

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

chuckling here, sometimes I wonder. Good morning
Lizzie Mitchell

9 Years Ago

Sorry, I was in class but a late good morning to you.

8 Years Ago

Now comes the insight... whether to listen and when and WHAT to hear and just how do YOU (not me - Y.. read more

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26 Reviews
Added on May 5, 2015
Last Updated on May 5, 2015
Tags: Poetry, Writing, CHris



Lansing, MI

"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so. "Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020 I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..


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