Abandoned Writers Cafe

Abandoned Writers Cafe

A Poem by Relic

Empty rooms in empty halls.

Image result for abandoned books

Accounts silent - long abandoned
the words bankrupt
vacant fronts of creativity 
washed over; hollow; run down.

Verbs sway on rusted hinges
the strains of old poems
cross pages like tumbleweeds.

Profiles shuttered - desolate
unopened for years, collect dust
while messages to forgotten friends
go unanswered

Pinned to a page 

like wanted posters

© 2023 Relic

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I still visit the profiles of old friends here, some that I know seldom if ever, revisit the site. Others are departed from life itself. I revisit their comments on my posts on other sites as well. I'll find one and say, well, wasn't that nice? This is eloquently poignant. I enjoyed and I relate. F.

Posted 2 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


2 Years Ago

Thanks for reading, Fabian. :)
Red Brick Keshner

2 Years Ago

As do I. They are like monoliths on a partways barren land.


Excellent work. You write of a ghost town. I hope this doesn't become that.

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Thank you, Thomas, I agree.
Writers are like friends when they cause a person to touch, listen and enjoy. But sometimes, these days too often, a dark storm rushes the the once wise halls of thought. There are wars outside this make-believe. So, why do visitors find the place empty of once known faces, which can alter the ratio of empathy and originality versa humility and humour?

'Verbs sway on rusted hinges
the strains of old poems
cross pages like tumbleweeds'

How true. How sad.

Posted 1 Month Ago


1 Month Ago

You make good point, emma. Thank you for your thoughts. :)
A very poignant write, dear R. The title of the poem invited me in to read it.
"Verbs sway on rusted hinges
the strains of old poems
cross pages like tumbleweeds".
This is my favourite part of the poem. The visual detail is superb and create an unforgettable image in the reader's mind.
I guess a lot of old poetry sites are abandoned due to the passing away of the writers or the writers are perhaps in care homes with no access to a computer or are unable to come online due to illness. There are many reasons I feel for abandoning a site.
Your excellently penned poem depicts the sad scenario of such sites and you express your feelings through excellent word choice. An exceptional write! I love the stunning simplicity, the message within the poem and your skillful choice of graphic which complements the words superbly. Thank you for sharing, dear R...
Wishing you a very happy, blessed and relaxed Sunday to enjoy...

Posted 1 Month Ago


1 Month Ago

Thank you so much for a great comment, Marie. May your Sunday be glorious. :)

1 Month Ago

Most welcome, dear R. It's a bitter cold, wet day in Ireland. Really bad weather for June. Wishing y.. read more
Sometimes it feels like the site needs maintenance. I can't add other Writers pieces to my library and the Read Request doesn't work.

Posted 1 Month Ago


1 Month Ago

This site needs a lot of things, Quill. Thank you for the comment. :)
"like wanted posters" ~ that's exactly what these left behind profiles feel like.
{beautifully written. tragically true.}

Posted 6 Months Ago


6 Months Ago

Thanks very much for the comment. :)
dang thats deep......................

Posted 10 Months Ago


10 Months Ago

Thank you.
This is true and unfortunate. For myself, I come and go as time passes between bursts of writing. If nothing else, I don't share my writing with anyone I really know very often - and it's enough to put it here to prove it ever happened.

Posted 11 Months Ago


11 Months Ago

I've seen many that have come and gone. Many come just to visit for a short spell and then disappear.. read more
Hi Relic. I'm kinda new here and I love to surf around for poems that fire me up. This piece is like a high definition experience. It's like walking through ground zero and looking at the various houses of friends that either died in a major catastrophe or like looking at the property of various friends that managed to escape despite the catastrophe. In the movie, you are the narrator and one of the survivors. This is a beautiful verse. I won't forget it.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

You're very kind, thank you.

1 Year Ago

You're welcome
The site definitely is not what it once was, at least in my opinion. I too left for several years but have come back recently and it feels like a ghost town.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

I remember many that used to be here. I wish they'd come back, but such is life. I'm glad you came b.. read more
Well, now I'm new here again. Not really but I'm born again from the crash that wiped out my other account. I just let it go. I'm not here to count brownie points and show off my badges, "We don need no stinkin' badges" (laughing) That was a line from the Humphrey Bogart Movie, The Treasure of Sierra Madre. But I will not go quietly into the good night. But just because I like to write. Cheers, F.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

I was wondering why you had another account. Mine is not working well which is why I closed. (now re.. read more

1 Year Ago

No but the crash was EPIC! I could access my own writing even. I was blocked in half the accounts of.. read more

1 Year Ago

That NOT access. Oops.

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221 Reviews
Shelved in 14 Libraries
Added on May 27, 2017
Last Updated on August 29, 2023
Tags: abandoned



I've been here since 2009. - Tim - Thanks for reading and any reviews. more..

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