"What Makes Me Cry..."

"What Makes Me Cry..."

A Poem by Chris

just life


"What Makes Me Cry..."

It's a Sunday.  I got to think of - little things, moments ...memories, dreams, wishes.  I thought of people - friends, family ~ and some I never knew well enough and now can't.  Places, that are - that once were... places that never will be anyplace again.  Places to be from and all the whys... all the whys.

All the things that meant - anything, through the time I've had.  And yes I felt the bad and the very, very, worse and then the moments you can't ever measure how good they were.  And I cried... hard ... because I needed to - right then...

...And it was loss and yet it also wasn't.  I lived my life as I could.  Made my choices - accepted what I had to.  I tried and sometimes smiled - sometimes not... and some times couldn't smile or do a thing.

I've been afraid - with and without reason.  Prayed to die ...prayed not too.  Seen and walked from things no one should.  I feel the hurt behind most peoples' eyes because I can, because it seems I always could.  A lot of tears ...fall... quietly in silent days and empty nights.

I remember how to breathe each sunrise... forget each sunset ...and miss the damnedest things - little absolute nothings that meant more than anyone - except me - ever guessed.

"What Makes Me Cry..."

Tears falling helplessly,
A father's pride,
A mother's endless look.

Children realizing tomorrow came,
friends falling forever silent,

sitting on seawalls at 3 AM.

Having not to wish,
always saying hello,
reliving every "Goodbye".

Tears are such little things

that somehow leak from deep within us all
and they always fall for every why there ever will be
endlessly ...one drop at a time to me.


© 2012 Chris

Author's Note

Whips and chainsaws don't require a deposit... dust pans and a broom in the corner for neat freaks.

My Review

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Nice sentiments all the way through. A read that pierces my heart.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is beautiful, melancholy, haunting in a way. It's a little eerie that you put words to some of the thoughts and feelings in my heart that I only sometimes glimpse, let alone recognise. I don't think I can critique this - as you say, dustpans and a broom for the neat freaks - but I run my eyes over this again and again whilst my heart says thank you. Wonderful writing, Chris.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I never read anything of yours without being touched in some way.. often profoundly..

Posted 12 Years Ago

So true Poet..So true..so sweetly expressed

Posted 12 Years Ago

Just life...the happy parts and the sad parts all jumbled in there together. Given the choice, would we go back and do it all over again? Those tears and the laughter, too, make us who we are. My heart breaks at the tears you have cried, one drop at a time, but they have made you into the special person that you are Chris.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Today was a very good day to read this. Thank you. No review. Just gratitude.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I'm a little speechless, Chris. This hits deep and I have only a glimpse of where it comes from within you. We all have some days that are so overwhelming and we're too full of "feeling" it all: past, present, and visions of our future, we have to cry it all out. Some have... heavier burdens than others will ever be able to imagine.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Welcome to the human race.It is our nature to not only live care for others but to also forsee the future and fear what could be but hope for the possible

Posted 12 Years Ago

Deep breath after long sigh and shared tears - can't say more, but you probably understand.

' ...and miss the damnedest things - little absolute nothings that meant more than anyone - except me - ever guessed.'

Posted 12 Years Ago

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40 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on April 22, 2012
Last Updated on April 22, 2012



Lansing, MI

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