

A Chapter by Anexi

  A small child, was up late at night, walking around in the darkness of her house. Shadows danced on the wall from the moon light and the candle in her hand. She shivered and shock as she walked down the halls. No older than four years old, Selena Night had waist length brown hair, blue eyes that were as clear as pure water, and as an four year old she had the sweet innocent face.


  She was awakened by a nightmare that was so vivid, so real, she screamed in terror. She was confused when she didn't hear her parents run down the halls to come check on her. More worried and scared then she already was she slipped on her slippers and grabbed the candle that was her only light in her room and made her way to her parents’ bedroom.


 On the way there the shadows seemed to come alive and chase after her, she felt the need to move faster and faster till, she was running so fast the she ran face first into her parents’ bedroom. Not having noticed that she dropped the candle and it set the curtain on fire. Once she stopped holding her face in pain she watched as the curtain was consumed in flames and then the rest of the house.


  She was frozen in fear, just as the flames was about to touch her skin she bolted for the door and ran as fast as she could, leaving her home and her parents to burn in the flames.


© 2012 Anexi

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good start! although, i have to say the begining bothered me alittle. i think it would be better if you started it like "a small child, was up late one night, walking around in the darkness of her house. " i dont know, but do what makes you happy. anyways, i think you come up with some great story ideas! it will be interesting to see where you go with this ;)

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


This was a nice start and kind of reminds of one of those horror video games where someone actually causes an accident and leave their family to burn in their house..But I can sympthasize with the girl..As always, nice start. Short, sweet, and to the point

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

nicely written..i have enjoyed reading it although i think i am with mariah that the start should be lighter in sadness..

Posted 12 Years Ago

good start! although, i have to say the begining bothered me alittle. i think it would be better if you started it like "a small child, was up late one night, walking around in the darkness of her house. " i dont know, but do what makes you happy. anyways, i think you come up with some great story ideas! it will be interesting to see where you go with this ;)

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on June 21, 2012
Last Updated on June 23, 2012



Been a writer for a few years; mostly fan fiction and I just started writing my own stories. I'm a nice person who is still learning how to write. I love video games,reading, and music. I'm sorry if I.. more..

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A Poem by Anexi