The Beginning

The Beginning

A Chapter by Kaelee Wyant

Obviously, this is the beginning.

I woke up early. It wasn't that I had work that day (cause it was my only day off in a month) but I wanted to talk to him before he was busy all day. After smiling over a few texts and saying goodbye I headed downstairs for a poptart. As I was brushing the last few crumbs off I walked out to the porch. "It isn't fair I can't go tomorrow" I started. My mom looked up from her game of candy crush and studied my face for a minute. "Alex can take me" I pressed on. "Let me talk to her mom and I'll think about it" she finally said. I did a little jump for joy and gave her my phone to call. I walked inside to get a drink. All I could catch was "how old?, from where? really?" I walked back out to the porch and said "so, can I go?" She hung up and gave me the death glare. "Apparently you only want to go to meet some fifty year old and he came and saw you at work even though he's from Texas." My mind stared kicking into overdrive and my heart started doing little flips inside me. The only guy I talked to yesterday was some little girls grandpa who wanted to enroll her in swimming lessons. And the only person I'm meeting there is Korey, you know that. She looked doubtful but seemed to believe me and gave me my phone back. I walked into the livingroom and turned on pretty little liars. Just as the episode was starting I heard a car pull into my driveway. Uh oh. It was Jazzys mom and I knew what she had to say. I ran up to my room and sent him a message before erasing the app. I heard her call my name. She knew. I carefully navigated down the stairs and outside. "You are dating a fifty year old?" I looked her even in the eyes and said no. She put her hands around my throat and screamed "don't lie to me." She removed her hands and turned to Jazzy's mom. "Thank you for telling me." "No problem" she replied and was gone. After she was gone mom pulled my hair through the house and pushed me into a chair swearing and screaming the whole way. She picked up her phone and ordered my sisters to watch me stay put while she was on a call. She called all my aunts and my grandma to come over so she wouldn't kill me then she called the police. It seemed like forever but they were at our house in a few minutes tops. By then everyone was at our house and my mom was hysterical. He told me to explain but I couldn't infront of everyone and broke down. He ask if I'd like to come to the station to talk in private and I agreed. My mom rode in the back of the car with me and dad followed behind in her car. It was claustrophobic but he put the windows down. When we got there I headed into the basement with a lady. We were in one of those rooms you see in the movies which scared me. The only difference was there was a bed and handcuffs in there too. She asked me a lot of questions. I was honest about most of the stuff but I had suspicions my mom was watching and just refused to answer the rest. Soon she let me go and she took me back through the maze to the front doors. Sitting there was Jazzy and her mom. I gave them my b***h face and just left. I was exhausted and fell asleep in the car. The next thing I remember is my mom waking me up and I was in my bed. She said I had a phych appointment and I had to get dressed. It was only 7 am! We drove a half hour to Dubois and walking into the office. I told him I only wanted to talk to him alone. What we talked about still gets me to this day and so I won't share it with you. He suggested a stay at the hospital in the phych ward. I didn't think I was crazy but I didn't want to go home either so I agreed. We walked to the in unit and did atleast two hours worth of paper work. I was scared, I thought I'd see white walls, padded rooms, and crazy people everywhere. But as they opened the doors I had a nice surprise, wood floors with colorful walls and only one other girl my age who seemed totally normal.

© 2014 Kaelee Wyant

Author's Note

Kaelee Wyant
The next part will be all about my first hospital stay (notice I said first.)

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Added on October 27, 2014
Last Updated on October 27, 2014


Kaelee Wyant
Kaelee Wyant

Punxsutawney, PA

I don't show myself to people. If you want to really know me read my poems/lyrics/whatever else I upload. If you look at my pictures the smiles fake but what else is new. I love poptarts and apple jui.. more..
