The Mark

The Mark

A Poem by Alicia Hirshey

One little mark
Easy to bare
Who in their mind
Would even care
Tempest flooding
My mind growing grim
Throwing away thoughts
Mere memories of him

Flood gates open
Release the tears
That now flood
Catching the image
Covered in blood
Hide behind the smiles
From truths I dare not see
Fighting daily
Trying to stay free

© 2011 Alicia Hirshey

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Survival instinct. Trying to live for the next day. Awesome work, luv

Posted 12 Years Ago

"Hide behind the smiles, from truths I dare not see"--it's interesting when we hide like this; are we hiding our pain from others, or ourselves. Can we not stand to see our own hurts, our own wounds? It's always easy to bury the pain in the past and forget, but it leaves it unresolved and festering in our dreams. And long after these emotional wounds (no matter what kind they are)--We're always a bit afraid to look at our own scars. We're afraid of the pain and shame they bring us, and the hardest part is you can't talk about them, because if you talk, you have to face it all yourself. You have a day of reckoning, when all your past calls you on the carpet and takes account. When I read the title, "The Mark," and I read the poem, that's what I thought of: the marks emotional scars leave on our souls.
You do have definite poetic talent--this poem alone proves it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

You did awesome you have a good talent. Make sur eyou use it

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very compelling and captivating write. I like the imagery..xx

Posted 12 Years Ago

It's quite a battle, is't it? Keep fighting the good fight.

Posted 12 Years Ago

fascinating poem...i like the way you described how usually people try to hide their sadness behind false happiness! so true!
an excellent poem!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Interesting, a neat little poem to describe a breakup or seperation. But on the second stanza your rhyme pattern is interupted. Also, if you read carefully you could see a slight syllable pattern in attempt. Perhaps you could fix it?

Posted 12 Years Ago

"Throwing away thoughts
Mere memories of him"
I can feel the emotion here...This is obviously short but the meaning is just great...Very honest... :)))

Posted 12 Years Ago

In this short poem, you speak through the flow of words your using. Its compelling and speaks for itself one way or another. Good poem you have written here.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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13 Reviews
Added on October 19, 2011
Last Updated on October 19, 2011


Alicia Hirshey
Alicia Hirshey

Hartford City, IN

Short&&to the point -Aliciaa//Smitten//Mother more..

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A Poem by Alicia Hirshey

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