Flyaway Love

Flyaway Love

A Poem by Kerri

A fourteen-lined sonnet in Shakespearian style (abab cdcd efef gg) that I was required to write in English


<center><u>Flyaway Love</u>

They say that if you love something to set it free
And if it comes back to you, it's yours to keep,
But if it doesn't, it was never meant to be.
This may be true, because love runs its course deep;
It's better to have loved and to have lost,
Then to have never loved at all.
But in the end, is it all worth the cost?
To experience that terrible fall,
The heartbreaking feelings that shatter like glass.
So if the love you freed never comes back,
And you suffer the heartache of lost love past,
You will do well to remember this one fact:

Always look to the future for a brand new day
Where you just may find true love coming your way.</center>

© 2008 Kerri

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Ah, a hopeful attitude in the midst of humanity's uncertainties! I like it.

Posted 5 Years Ago

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