My talk with dad

My talk with dad

A Story by Bridger Hall

A young boy talks with his father.


Today I had a talk with dad. We talked about everything my young mind could imagine. Like why the other kids at school used the bad words that mom always told me never to say.  We talked about the time I got cut by the fence while we chased down the cows on the farm. He told me he was scared when he saw me bleeding. I can´t remember ever seeing fear in his eyes before. I asked, “How come you never cry?”

He responded, “Why do you think your mom and I shut our door when you go to bed at night?”

                We talked about love, about his love for mom. He said that the way that she sings and the way she loves me are good things to look for in a girl. He smiled as he told me how he had gotten lucky, when mom said “I do” so many years ago. He told me to never settle for the girl with pretty eyes, but to seek out the girl that uses the mind behind her pretty eyes. He said I have plenty of time to wait for the right one. “10 or 15 years.” He said. I laughed thinking of the girl I met at school; if he knew about her I’d be dead.

                I asked him a million questions, some that he could only laugh at. He told me about life, and how I should live it. Taking it one step at a time and always looking to heaven for my guidance. I asked him what he knew about God. If there was something more than what I learned at church every Sunday?

                “He loves you.” He said with a little tear in his eye, the first that I had seen in my 10 years of life.

                My father looked over at me with his head still rested on the bed. I was lying at his side with his weak arm under my head. He said, “I know this will sound crazy. But, I will be talking with God soon. I will ask him anything you´d like to ask.”

                With tears in my eyes, I reached into my pocket, and pulled out the folded piece of paper I had been saving for my dad. I opened it up with shaking hands and handed it to my dad.

                I said, “Mom said you´d be going on a trip soon, to heaven to talk with God. I wrote this letter for him, and I was hoping you could pass it on.”

My father took the letter, and asked politely if he could read it first. I said “of course” and watched his lips move slightly as he read the few words.

Dear God,

                Why did you give my dad this sickness? Why did he lose his hair? Why does he have to lay in bed when all the other dads are playing catch in the yard? I want to chase cows again, like I did two years ago. I want to see my mom smile and laugh, like she used to when dad got home. God, I know that I am only 10 years old, and that I don’t understand everything right now. But I was hoping you could send my dad back home after his trip to Heaven where you are. I just know you can fix that cancer inside him and I can´t wait to hear his story when he comes home. Thank you God for the family you gave me. I love them more than you know.  I know that you are busy but I hope to hear back soon.

                It´s ten years later and I look back on my talk with dad that day. I smile and think to myself how wonderful his trip is to this day. I know a lot more than I did then, but I know one thing for sure. God answers all of our prayers, and I will see my dad once more.

© 2012 Bridger Hall

Author's Note

Bridger Hall
Sophie inspired me. Mixed a little with my life, and my knowledge of the love of God for his children.. comment please! hope you enjoy. ciao!

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Featured Review

I like the way you started this, you got straight into the story, let us work it out for ourselves, without long explanations. There is a lot of maturity in the write, expressed in articulate style. Great use of italics. An emotional piece without being over-sentimentalised. You end it well, with the conclusion of hindsight. Interesting and professional. Thankyou.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Lovely, I found it to be intresting as well, as intriguing, though i am an atheist, i belevie that this story shows strong faith in which i respect.

Posted 12 Years Ago

That's so sad! I can't bear the thought of losing my daddy, I love him so much :) Thank you for saying I'm your inspiration, that's very sweet of you :)
I enjoyed this a lot, it was beautifully written, you have talent!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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WOW this is really a tugger of a write, pulled on my heart strings.
Nicly written.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I like the way you started this, you got straight into the story, let us work it out for ourselves, without long explanations. There is a lot of maturity in the write, expressed in articulate style. Great use of italics. An emotional piece without being over-sentimentalised. You end it well, with the conclusion of hindsight. Interesting and professional. Thankyou.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I LOVE THIS!!!! i thought I was going to cry while I was reading the note to God....
so moveing

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on February 9, 2012
Last Updated on February 9, 2012


Bridger Hall
Bridger Hall

Preston, ID

I am from Idaho. I love it. I don´t appear to be complicated... But i am in a constant war with myself. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I will never deny it. I .. more..

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