My Loving Wolf

My Loving Wolf

A Poem by Brittany DeFranco

A poem for my boyfriend on valentine's day, I hope you all love it! Our anniversity is March 6th


Everyone is a rose

and every rose has thorns

that show your true colors in time,

they're beautiful, but harmful.


You, my love...

has no rose that can be you

your more irresistible....

you have a beast inside you,

a beast that cannot be tamed.


I wish to releash your beast

to see how wild you can be,

how dangerous it will become

to unchain you,

to experience your

fierce passion.


I desire to touch,

to taste,

how unbroken you are

my loving wolf.

© 2010 Brittany DeFranco

Author's Note

Brittany DeFranco
I hope you love it as much as my love and I loved it ^-^

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Wow. Amazing! :D

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

I have to review this again cuz I didn't say much the first time. This poem seemed like a simple love poem when I read it, but not it seems to be filled with meaning. It made me think, it made me remember and feel like I haven't in a long long time. This was beautiful Britanny. I want you to keep writing forever and ever and ever! Love you dear :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Amazing and interesting poem ^__^
Very nice metaphors included, and good description :)
Keep it up!

Posted 14 Years Ago

a loving wolf? nice metaphor... lovely poem, let your touch tame the wolf!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Thats wonderful, sweetheart ^^ I love it

Posted 14 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on March 9, 2010
Last Updated on March 25, 2010
Tags: wolf, beast, love, desire, urge, touch, taste, passion, wild, unbroken


Brittany DeFranco
Brittany DeFranco

Brandywine, MD

Hey, I'm Brittany DeFranco and I'm a writer of course. I'm trying to write some stories and hopefully have them published. I write Fantasy, Romance with Action included. I'm always up for a great st.. more..


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