Nightingale Chronicles

Nightingale Chronicles

A Chapter by Wyrd_of_Night

Something Unexpected throws Aria off her path of her adventure.


Chapter 3


Three years later .(Really did you think I was going to write her life over three years? I don’t think so)


   My stuff was packed, and I was dressed. My dark black hair was combed and down, my fuchsia eyes sparkled with excitement, and my mom was crying. Again.

“I change my mind, I don’t want you to go, I want you to stay here with me and you’re Grandfather. Don’t leave me Aria.” I patted her on the back as she hugged me tightly. She had been doing this a lot lately; I had learned to ignore it.

“I wish you luck on you journey. It will not be easy, but you will have fun.” My grandfather smiled down on me.

“Do you have everything?” My mom had recovered and was looking through my back pack. I sighed, it had been the same thing last night.

“Yes. Tooth brush, toothpaste, tent, water purifier, sleeping bag, 6 poke balls, my poke gear, some food, my bathing suit, my winter clothes, and an extra pair of clothing. I also have all the birthday money I’ve saved up over the years. Yes I’m ready.” She stopped snooping.

“What about your trainer Card?” She asked smugly. I had lost it last night but found it this morning under my pillow.

“Ha, it’s right here.” I flashed the card that was now in my wallet;

“It looks so empty.” Was her response. I shot her a glare,

“I haven’t even started yet of course it’s empty.” I shook my head and hugged her. This would be the last time I would see her for a long time.

“By mom, I’ll see you when I get back.” I turned to my Grandfather. “I’ll see you, when I come to get my badge.” I smirked, as did he.

“I won’t go easy on you.” He stuck out his hand.

“You better not,” I stuck out my own and we shook. I hugged him tightly. I would not cry. I pulled away and began walking away.

“Bye.” I called.

I got near the Pokémon Gym when it started to happen. At first I thought maybe I was getting hungry, then I noticed people were screaming as the shudders became more violent. Tears began to appear in the land and houses began to crumples. The earth began to sink in and I watched in horror as house fell in to a sink hole. I scrambled up as best I could and started to run, if you could call it that, as fast as I could towards the gym. The volcano in which the island rested on was erupting. Today, of all days. I ran towards the edge of the cliff on which the gym sat . I turned around, looking for a friendly face but it seemed everyone was doing the same thing that I was, getting to the water. I felt the earth shudder and fall silent. Then I heard it a sound that reminded me of a kettle. I jumped just as the top of the volcano popped off and lava spewed out in chucks of hot rock. It sounded like, what I would imagine, a Groudon to sound like roaring. The pressure released from the volcano sent a shock wave pushing me farther and fast like a bullet into water. I curled into a ball and shot through the water going unconscious the instant I hit.


   I could feel my self floating. Not on water but between consciousness. I was burned and yet I was cold. It was an odd sensation, was I dead? I had no idea. Something nudged my side and I whimpered. Worst birthday ever. The ‘something’ nudged me again and I rolled over onto something bumpy. Bad mistake. I let out a yelp of pain and the darkness claimed me again, but not before I saw a glint of worrying red eyes. I had moments when I came to, but for the most part all I did was sleep and see glimpse of shell, ocean, and the occasional flipper. Weird I know but it’s the truth. I don’t know how long I lay there but eventually I felt as though I had stopped moving. Something whistled and barked, the sound was nostalgic. I brought up the memory of the day three years ago when I had seen the pod of Lapras and the small little baby Lapras. It had been different from all the rest. It had been an odd purple colour instead of the usual blue colour. I smiled that had been a hectic day. I moaned in pain and stopped smiling. It hurt too much to smile. To even move a muscle. Breathing was the hardest. Every intake of breath felt like my chest was compressed and I was inhaling from my stomach. I tired to think of what had happened that had put me into this state, but came up with a pounding head ache.  The barking and whistles continued. I wanted to tell it to stop but breathing was hard enough, there was no way that I could speak.

“What the hell? Grandpa, come look at this, look at its abnormal colour, and it’s just floating there.” The voice was deep, and soothing.

“Wait what’s on it’s back?” The voice was different, older, yet had an edge of experience and knowledge to it. The thing I assumed I was on barked. I let my eyes open slightly. All I saw was blue and a giant orb of light that burned to look at. I coughed, the action almost too much to bear.

“It’s a person, Grandpa it’s another refugee from Cinnabar.”

“Oh my, she’s so young. The Lapras must have found her and saved her.” I wanted to turn over and see who was taking their time while I laid in pain, apparently on a Lapras back. Although the situation wasn’t the best I had to admit it could have been much worse. I could be dead in the ocean, I could have been eaten by Tentacool, or I could’ve been swept into the caves of the Seafoam islands.

“Help” I squeaked, finding the ability to speak.

“Gary, go pick her up and well take her to the lab and patch her up. Besides I’m too old to hold heavy things.” Heavy? I wasn’t heavy, I was thirteen, I didn’t weigh 30 pounds, but I wasn’t fat. I felt hands grab my sides and the bumpy bed I had been on for Arceas knows how long vanished out from under me.

“Wait here Lapras, I’ll be back later and tell you how she is.” I heard the Lapras bark in response. I coughed and had to close my eyes because the world was too bright to look at and also because of the pain.

“Can you tell me your name? So we can tell the authorities.” His voice was hushed, obviously trying not to hurt my ears.

“Aria.” I breathed in heavily “Nightingale, Aria Nightingale.” I coughed and decided not to talk any more.  I let my body become more relaxed in this ‘Gary’s arms’. Yet again I fell asleep.


“I knew she looked familiar. She’s Blaine’s granddaughter. He’s been frantic looking for her.” It was the same voice that had called me heavy. Resentment filled my head and the fussiness of sleep began to fade away. I kept my breathing shallow so I could hear the conversation.

“Blaine, Cinnabar’s Gym Leader? Wow, who would have thought she could have survived a volcano eruption.” Eruption? Memories flooded back to me. Mom, Grandpa! Were they ok? Did anyone get hurt? How had I not died when I jumped? Who had saved me? I sat up and immediately regretted it.

“Ow, ow ow, ow, ow.” I moaned in pain.

I clutched my side and observed  my surroundings. It was a small room with posters of Pokémon and badges that were framed along a window sill. Still it was clean and reminded me of my own room at home. Or what was left of it.

“You’re awake?” I turned and stared at the two voices I’d been listening to before I had my flashback and panic attack. Two people stood in the door way of the room. The first was an old man in a lab coat with white hair. The one beside him looked like a kid about my age, maybe a little older; he looked a little like the older man with the style of his hair but his hair was brown and he was shorter by a few inches. He wore a black shirt and brown cargo pants. Something stirred at my feet and I looked at the end of the bed. A dark creature with pale yellow rings on its tail, head and limbs looked at me intently with red eyes. I gazed back. After a few moments it seemed satisfied and laid it head back down.

“Umbreon sure does like you. It’s odd he doesn’t really like strangers.” I sighed

“I get that a lot.” I grimaced and reached out my hand, stroking the indents where it’s ears met it’s head. It purred softly.

“Yep your defiantly Blaine’s granddaughter. He taught you well.” I smiled at the old man.

“Yea.” The questions that had seemed to evaporate from my head rushed back in a swarming head ache.

“Wait is he ok? What about my mom?” I got out of the bed barely able to stand. I felt my self falling forward as the blood rushed to my head. I stumbled, but shook my head to clear it. Two strong hands gripped my shoulders and proceeded to pick me up and placed me back in bed.

“Arceus, you’re stubborn. Sit still or you’ll tear your stitches.” I sat, getting my breath back.

“Fine but answer my questions. Where are we? Who are you? Are my family ok?” I stared them down, determined to get an answer.

“My goodness you’re like Blaine, straight forward and blunt. As for your questions we are in Pallet Town in Ash Ketchum’s house. I am Professor Oak, your Grandfather and I are good friends. This is my grandson Gary. Yes your family is ok. But they are separated. Your mother is in Jhoto with family, and Blaine is on Cinnabar Island helping the clean up crews find survivors and helping any hurt Pokémon.  Don’t worry I already called him to tell him we found you.”


  “Your survival story is quite remarkable. A shiny coloured Lapras appears to have found you and saved you from drowning in the ocean.” I nodded. I remembered bits and parts of the story. My own memories came back piece by piece.

“I jumped just before the volcano erupted, a sonic wave pushed me faster into the water and I blacked out. I awoke again at the Seafoam islands where I guess the Lapras found me. I rolled onto its back and then. I remember faintly you two finding me and asking my name.” I rubbed my head. The memories felt like a wave had crashed through a reservoir in my mind.

“The impact with the water broke a few ribs and gave you a concussion. You’re a little burned from the blast as well, but you’ll heal. It shouldn’t take to long to heal. You can leave for Jhoto in a week or so.” I felt the weight of my situation press down on me. No, I wouldn’t let it get me depressed.

“Where’s my bag? I want to call my Grandfather”

© 2010 Wyrd_of_Night

Author's Note

Tell me what you think. You see anything that would be worded better feel free to tell me. Enjoy.

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Added on July 12, 2010
Last Updated on July 12, 2010




Hi..... I like animals a lot. I also like anime and dark places where the sun don't shine....Ok that's a load of bull...well the last part anyway. I prefer warm sunny places. I dislike living in Canad.. more..
