Nightingale Chronicles

Nightingale Chronicles

A Chapter by Wyrd_of_Night

After the battle with Joey, Aria heads toward Viridian City and gets in contact with her mom. While spending the night at the Pokemon Center she gets and unexpected visit by and unexpected person.


Chapter 6


   By the time that we got to Viridian it was nearing ten o’clock and the sun was nearly out of the sky. We rode Tauros to the Pokémon Center and that’s where I stumbled off.

“Thanks for the ride Joey, it was fun, I’ve never ridden a Tauros before, granted I don’t think I’ll want to ever again.” I rubbed my butt. The ride was very bumpy and was like ridding a Rapidash. If you didn’t know how to ride it then you were in for some pain in the morning. Joey laughed and returned his Tauros.

“No problem, yea that was my first impression when I first rode Tauros.” We laughed and talked about our experiences riding certain Pokémon and the scars and bruises we got from them while walking into the Pokémon Center. We got to the counter and met a nurse with pink hair and a Chansey standing next to her.

“Hi there do your Pokémon need to be healed? If so you can stay over night here.” We both nodded in agreement and handed over out captured Pokémon.” I noticed that Joey had three Pokémon instead of the two that I thought he had.

“What’s your other Pokémon?” I nodded to his tray with the poke balls resting on them.

“Oh that’s the starter Pokémon I got from Professor Oak. I chose Bulbasur, just because it levels up quickly and the first two gyms were incredibly easy.” I nodded. I made sense because the first two gym leaders were both weak against grass.

 “So how come your clothes are so big?” I snapped out of my thoughts and was able to respond,

“My clothes got burned in the eruption on Cinnabar Island.” His face instantly became encased in awe.

“Wow, you survived that. I was at home when it happened. I heard this really loud explosion and rushed to my window to see what it was. It looked like fireworks at first but then I noticed the flares will still burning when they fell. It was scary. You could hear the people and Pokémon screaming all the way in Pallet Town.” I averted my gaze. It was something so recent and painful in my mind, I didn’t want to relieve it

“That reminds me, I still don’t know your name.” I stuck out my hand.

“My names Aria Nightingale, I’m from Cinnabar Island, and the granddaughter of the greatest fire trainer in all of the Kanto and Jhoto regions.” He laughed a little.

“Not to be rude but isn’t that a little much, I mean maybe he might be good, but there’s bound to be better fire trainers in Kanto and Jhoto, don’t you think?” I stood my ground and placed my hands on my hips. No one was disrespecting my Grandfather.

“I have yet to meet them, so until I do, my Grandfather is the greatest.” Was I stubborn? Yes. Was I right? Yes.

“What ever, no need to get so defensive. Just making a point. Anyway I’m leaving early tomorrow so if I don’t see you again bye.” I waved and watched Joey walk off to the trainer’s quarters. I snorted in disapproval. I liked the kid and hopped I’d be able to battle him again, just so that I could get my reward money.

“Excuse me, Nurse Joy?” I turned and faced the nurse. She smiled and stopped typing on her computer.

“Yes can I help you?”

“Um do you have a video phone I could use?” She nodded and pointed to a corner where a line of video phones lined the wall.

“Thanks.” I walked over to the phone and sat down in one the chairs. I dug a few coins from my pocket and inserted them into the machine. I dialled in my aunt’s home number and it began to ring.

“Hello? Nightingale residence, Jacqueline speaking.” I twirled the phone cord in-between my fingers.

“Mom, it’s me. I’m at a Pokémon Center in Viridian City.” There was a long pause and for a second I thought she had hung up on me until she started to speak.

“Oh my goodness, Aria, can that really be you? Your grandfather said you were fine but I didn’t really believe him. It’s so good to hear your voice.” There was a sniffle and then the sound of someone blowing their nose. “Your Grandfather told me you had decided to go on a Pokémon journey. I figured since you might have lost most of your stuff in the eruption I could try and help you. I sent you an extra backpack in the mail. It should be in Viridian right now at the Poke Mart.” There was another long silence. I knew she had wanted me to come live with her and not go on the journey, I knew she wanted me to answer even though she wouldn’t fully accept it. I was her little girl, me getting hurt was her worst nightmare.

“Thanks mom I appreciate it, and you. I know you want me to come live with you and auntie but, I need to do this.”

“Yea I know.” There was a sigh. “Have fun, and call me every once and a while, I’d like to know your doing well.” I smiled.

“Ok I’ll talk to you later. Bye mom I love you.” She said good-bye and I hung up. It was good that she sounded better.


   I was sitting in my rented room making a list of things I would do the next day when my door opened.

“Come on Gastly, This looks like our room.” A tall boy about 16 years of age stood in the door way. My borrowed t-shirt covered my knees as I stood.

“I think you have the wrong room.” I walked to the door and grabbed it so it wouldn’t open any more. The boy looked a little shocked; it made sense since a 13 year old girl stood in the doorway blocking his way into the room.

“Don’t you have any shame?” He was looking at my apparel.

“No not really. If your so bothered by it then why don’t you and your-” I looked over at the floating purple Pokémon.

“Gassstly” I felt my chest tighten and my words wouldn’t come out.

“Ghost.” I stated simply before slamming the door as fast as possible. I heard a loud statement that would make my mother cringe in anger. I hated ghost Pokémon. I had once wandered into the Pokémon Mansion on Cinnabar when I was a child and was taken hostage by a group of angry ghost Pokémon. They had put me to sleep with their hypnosis attack and were eating my dreams. Although a few nightmares don’t seem like much, if a Pokémon eats a persons or a Pokémon’s dreams for too long they can end up sucking the soul out of the person or Pokémon. It had almost happened to me if it weren’t for my Grandfather who had used his Arcanine to get rid of the ghosts. Still every time I see a ghost Pokémon I run away and hide in Arcanine’s fur. So instead I hid under my covers with the pillow crushed over my ears. I fell asleep like that.


   I awoke the next morning, my hair a mess and my t-shirt ruffled. I took a quick shower and put back on my only set of clothes I had. Gary’s shirt and pants held up by a belt. The only thing I had were my nearly destroyed boots. I packed up my bag and headed down to the front desk. I handed in my key and prayed I wouldn’t see the boy from the night before. No way was I going to be able to stand seeing the Gastly again. I shuddered at the thought. Although my actions the night before were quite uncommon, I am the kind of person who can stay unusually calm when in what most would call embarrassing or pressured situations. Something I learned from my Grandfather. I got Lapras from Nurse Joy and proceeded to the Poke Mart to get the bag my mom had sent. I entered the small shop and headed straight for the counter.

“Hi do you by any chance have a package for me?” The clerk didn’t look up from his magazine.


“Aria Nightingale.” He reached under the counter and handed me a box.

“Have a good day.” Wow what great customer service. I excited the Mart and sat down out side to open the box. Inside was a bag that was identical to the one I had when I had left Cinnabar. Inside was everything I had left with as well, including a wallet with some money in it and an extra set of clothes. I pulled out the clothes. A small piece of paper fell from the clothes.

“Thought you might like them, I made the skirt myself.” Skirt? Like many things my mom wasn’t the best seamstress in the world. I noticed more words at the end of the paper.

“Don’t worry your aunt helped me.” I sighed in relief. A bit of tension was released from my shoulders. I went into a near by café and used the rest room to change. I threw out the old clothes and sat at the breakfast bar.

“Pancakes please, and some Peacha juice.” I looked down at my new wardrobe. My mom had sent me a dark red tang top with a new pair of boots. The skirt she had made was white with flames embroidered along the hem. It wasn’t too revealing, falling to right above my knees and was comfortable. She had also given me a bathing suit the same colour as my tank top and some winter gear. The pancakes arrived and I paid the waitress. They were good but not as good as Sal’s. I finished up and proceeded in the direction of Viridian forest. I knew there was a gym in this town, but my grandfather had told me about how the gym leader was often not there, but when they were they hardly ever lost. He had explained that it was better to start off from Pewter City before any other gym.  Viridian Forest was a three day trek through long grass and tress tall enough to block out most of the sun light. I had stocked up on Antidotes and Paralyze Heals after breakfast. I entered the gate connecting Viridian to the forest and passed through and into the darkened forest.

© 2010 Wyrd_of_Night

Author's Note

Tell me what you think. You see anything that could be worded better, feel free to tell me. Enjoy.

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Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 19, 2010




Hi..... I like animals a lot. I also like anime and dark places where the sun don't shine....Ok that's a load of bull...well the last part anyway. I prefer warm sunny places. I dislike living in Canad.. more..
