![]() Chapter 3A Chapter by Calibaster![]() Again, good luck.![]()
Kett was doing a mighty fine impression of sleeping. Eyes closed. In bed. But in truth, he couldn't sleep a wink. He was also extremely bored. He was just considering cooking up a little trouble when a shiver ran down his spine. He was still lying down, it was just as dark as before, but it didn't take a genius to figure that he was in a different place, especially when he heard some strange zinging and wooshing sounds nearby, along with shouting.
He sat up with excitement and relief from his boredom, not really caring why he was here, so long as it was interesting. He studied his surroundings with interest, he was obviously in a forest, though it was like none he'd ever seen. The tree's had bluish leaves and purplish bark, while the ground was covered in reddish dirt. Kett stood, ready to go investigate the sounds from earlier, but his outfit stopped him fast. He was wearing a loose white v-neck tunic, though not of the silk material that he preferred. It was also filled with folds that continued making the v pattern till it got to his belt where it tucked under, coming out on the other side making it seem like a mini skirt. His belt, a tan belt that looked crocheted with a strange looking white cylinder tucked in it. He was wearing tight white pants tucked into light brown boots. And over all of this, he was wearing a light brown robe with long, open sleeves and a huge hood. Okay, so maybe being whisked away was a little irritating. A sudden sound to his left had him reaching for his sword, or where it should have been, and he ended up with the white cylinder in his hand. "Who are you?!" He looked with alarm at the boy who emerged from the forest in front of him, and looked as awkward as he felt. "I'm Jasper ... and I'm lost." Kett looked the stranger up and down. He was wearing a cloak like Kett's, but it was all black. He also had black boots, pants belt and long poofy sleeved shirt. Kett couldn't help but think that he'd gotten the short end of the stick when it came to shirts, 'cause this guy's shirt was pretty sweet, ... black, but sweet. "I'm Kett, and I'm lost too." "You got whisked away too?" Jasper had a friendly smile, and his hair was plastered to his forehead, saying that he had taken a dip earlier. "Yes!" I'm from Eklaarn ..." Kett trailed off, "Never mind. But I'm guessing you don't know where we are either?" "No idea." Jasper frowned, "But it feels kinda like Star Wars." "What?" "Forget it." Kett watched as Jasper pulled out a black cylinder that looked a lot like his white one, "But if I'm right, then this is ... a weapon." "What?!!" Kett pulled his out, staring at it decisively and had to stare when Jasper's suddenly elongated into a glowing red sword, made of what looked like energy. "No way." "You know, I have always wanted a light saber. I used to, well, I kinda wanted to cut a car in half." "A what?" Kett asked. "Never mind, just know that this could cut it in half, and it would be very satisfying." "Great, now how do you get it to do that?" Kett asked, only really interested in trying it out himself. Jasper have him a few instructions and soon Kett had a blazing green sword in his hands. "You know, this almost makes up for the clothes. So, what would happen if I touched this?" "It would cut your finger clean off, I believe. I would really discourage touching it," Jasper said giving him a funny look. "What about it makes you want to touch it?" "What makes you not want to touch it?" "The sixth star wars movie, really." "I still don't know what you're talking about, but fine, I won't touch it." Kett swung the "light saber" as Jasper had called it. He was very satisfied with the sound it made. He sized up Jasper. "How good are you with a sword?" "Fairly good would be my answer off I was a bit more modest in stuff like this. But I'm not, so really great, if I do say so myself." "So, you want to fight?" "Heck yeah. Just don't, you know, cut my arm or hand off." Kett swung first, grinning as his blade crashed against Jasper's. He felt so fulfilled as he watched the green and red sparks fly, that he hardly noticed that they were moving through the forest. Jasper was actually pretty good (though, if Kett had really been trying, he would have been toast ... literally) and seemed to be enjoying himself just as much as Kett. He wished that Coal could have seen him then, ducking and twirling. It happened so suddenly, both he and Jasper jumped behind the nearest tree. A couple of red lasers had shot past them, and there had been a shout. From the cover of the forest, Kett found out what had been making those sounds earlier. There was a whole army. A whole army of black clad people with red light sabers but theirs seemed to glow with a bloodier light than Jasper's. Then a whole army of brown and tan clad people, with all different colors of light sabers. The strangest thing though ... they were all fighting each other. Kett and Jasper looked at each other, and Kett spoke first, "I think we need to reevaluate our situation." "Yeah, um... How about we just study the battle for now, and try not to get caught," Jasper said. It was a really over simple plan, but Kett was feeling just as confused as Jasper looked. Studying the battle proved to be difficult, the straying red lasers kept them on there toes, and they had to duck every once in a while. Finally Kett spoke up, "The ones in black are fighting dirtier." Jasper nodded. "Yeah, I do believe they're the bad guys..." he admitted. Kett eyed him suspiciously. Should he be trusting someone dressed that way? "Hey," Jasper jumped out of the way of a red laser. "I really don't know why I'm dressed this way. I had just gotten out of the shower at my house when all of the sudden I was here, figuring that at least it was better than a towel, now that would be embarrassing!" Kett chuckled, no, Jasper was definitely not one of the bad guys. "So what do you know about what's going on?" Jasper shrugged, "I haven't watched Star Wars in forever. I haven't really watched much of anything in the last while... Well um, there's something called the force, and you can do really cool stuff with it. Then there's a light side and a dark side... and Darth Vader is Luke's father." Most of what Jasper said made no sense, but dark side and light side seemed straight forward enough. "So I'm going to go with the people dressed in white are the light side, and the people dressed in black are the dark side." "Yeah," Jasper frowned. "You know, this really doesn't feel like a dream. If this is real, there's someone or whatever laughing their head off at me I'm sure." "Definitely not just you." Kett mused, ..."Usually things like this happen for a reason, so we must be here to fulfill that reason, if you get what I mean." "OH!" Jasper said loudly, then hushed up when another laser almost caught him, "You're probably right, sooo ... like a quest in a different world." "Where we learn an important moral, I shouldn't think." Kett blanched, "But what is our mission? ... and how do we accomplish it dressed like this?" "Well, we could always tell the light side that I'm a spy ..." Jasper shrugged again. "And tell the dark side the same about me." Kett finished. "Um ... I wasn't going to say that, but, ... okay." Jasper looked confused, "Wouldn't we want to work with the good side?" "Yes." Kett looked at him, "But from my experience, in war, the good side is usually the one defending it's rights, and the bad side is the one defending it's pride. And that's only the black and white part of it, ... in war, there's a lot of greys. The 'Bad guys' are usually misunderstood and pushed to the limit good guys who don't know what else to do." "Thank you for your wisdom sensei," Jasper muttered sarcastically, then spoke up, "I totally get what you're saying, but I think it's different in this case." He pointed out at the fight, "Those black dudes don't look like mishandled misled, misunderstood people to me, ... they look like they've let themselves become ... well, 'one with the darkness' so to speak." "Yeah, most do ..." Kett looked out at them, "Still, it'll be good to be able to spy amongst them." Jasper waggled his finger, shaking his head admonishingly, "Okay, but remember the quote straight from J.R.R. Tolkien, 'Those who study the enemy too closely are liable to become the enemy themselves, ... sin is enticing.'" "I know." Kett looked straight at him, "I know just how enticing it is, and just how easily one can be turned." Jasper seemed to study him for a moment, then nodded. "I don't think you'll turn. But you don't seem like the most innocent guy on the block anyway." "I'm not." Kett's smile turned diabolical, "I'm a good bad guy though, don't worry, I only take what's necessary!" "And then some." Jasper muttered, rolling his eyes. "What?" "Nothing!" Let's go tell them who we are now and find out our mission!" Jasper grinned with false innocence. Kett just shook his head. "You're a bad liar. Let me do the talking." Jasper frowned, "But I haven't actually lied yet. Is it really that obvious?" "Yes," Kett replied. "I can tell by your smile." "Oh well, I have the moral high ground by not lying." "You console yourself with that often don't you?" Kett asked. "Maybe... yes." Kett laughed, "Again, let me do the talking." © 2015 CalibasterAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on May 3, 2015 Last Updated on May 3, 2015 Author![]() CalibasterSpringville, UTAboutIt's been a while since I've even touched this site, but it's such a big part of my childhood and growth in writing that I could never bring myself to delete anything I've posted. If I thought tha.. more..Writing