Awen #4

Awen #4

A Poem by Camryn Jeter

Labels and the blame game


I am only female,

or I am only human,

or I am not perfect,

or whatever it is I am or ain't

that I blame for feeling things

which confuse me.

I want to be saved,

I want to rescue myself,

and sometimes I just want to be left

to burn.

I love it and I hate it all

and I don't believe it's because

I'm a woman

or I'm human

or I'm imperfect.

It is simply because I am,

and everyone else that is thinks so, too,

when they stop hiding behind the things they blame-

stop letting labels become excuses.

© 2015 Camryn Jeter

My Review

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a poetry is the best way to express your feelings and you are doing the same...your work is a masterpiece!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Labels are useless and a concept devised by people who felt the need to point out differences like they are a bad thing. great concept, why can't we all just BE?

Posted 9 Years Ago

Camryn Jeter

9 Years Ago

Precisely my point. Thank you. So many interpretations are there to be explored but you saw it just .. read more
indeed stop hiding behind those labels, we are here to find ourselves, you ask the questions that need to be answered, in time this will be so for us all, great poem, very well written :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Camryn Jeter

9 Years Ago

Thanks for taking the time to review (:
R Smith

9 Years Ago

you're very welcome :)
I love the truth in this. So many people hide or 'label' themselves as this not that. It's awful.
Great work.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Camryn Jeter

9 Years Ago

Thank you. I agree completely and it's thoughts like that which provoke the greatest inspiration.
This poetry is quite thought provoking indeed... Whatever I am or I am not...Is because simply I am...We'll said :)
The end to it is also motivating to do something rather than finding excuses and hiding cause of it. Good:)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Camryn Jeter

9 Years Ago

Thank you!! I appreciate it.

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5 Reviews
Added on January 21, 2015
Last Updated on January 21, 2015
Tags: feelings, emotional, feminism, inhuman, imperfect


Camryn Jeter
Camryn Jeter


I'm 17. My sister is 3. I'm a majorette, hopeful veterinarian, animal rights advocate, Ravenclaw. Animal shelter volunteer. I am in love with everything about language; it has consumed me and I cannot.. more..

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A Poem by Camryn Jeter

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A Poem by Camryn Jeter

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