Truth - Where Happiness Hides

Truth - Where Happiness Hides

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm

Alone, becomes the key to your sanity, yet burns a hole in the palm of your heart.


Towering boxes full of days

are hidden

by the lies you hold inside

your feelings.

They whisper louder

with each year that passes

sending your happiness

a reeling.

Alone, becomes the key

to your sanity,

yet burns a hole

in the palm of your heart.

You find yourself angry

at everything,


as you linger

while your world

falls apart.

You have fallen asleep

inside the shadow

of loneliness

those towering boxes


Tip them over with the truth

resting inside you

and wake

where happiness hides.

© 2013 Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm

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I hurt with you in anger and pain by lies that whisper and in the refuge of your aloneness that only burns and in your anger your world falls apart. All this is hidden in"towering boxes full days" So with fresh evocative imagery you paint the dilemma. What is the solution? "Tip them over with the truth"we are advised.What is the truth? That is the perennial question.

The circle of the box image in the opening and closing is powerful. The parts (images) cohesively create a whole that make an artistic poem.
Thank you. When I the truth I will let you know!

Tom Lumsden

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


What a powerful message here. Beautifully written, my friend.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I liked reading this. As many of your other works this too comes from and reaches the heart. Alone but not lonely might be true....but even alone sometimes is just too much. I really missed reading your work, glad I got this today, thank you.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Beautiful. Sometimes we just don't see where our happiness hides... and loneliness still speaks to me. Wonderful work.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lovely piece here! And great choice of picture :). I love the positivity in this piece! Beautiful! It's hard for me to not get really dark when I write a lot of the time.

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is different Neva...different sort of cadence....sporadic but necessary rhyme scheme that never interfered with the message being told or the movement of the words. Those boxes making us remember, whether we want to or not....for good or for bad....both happiness and sadness reside.
Love the "palm of your heart line" as as the heart holds so much in our all made sense
great right Neva

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm

11 Years Ago

Thank you Allen :)
I like this, it has great depth of feeling.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Maybe it's just me, and probably it is, because of where my life is right now. I am seeing in this poem a lifetime of saving things, some of them useless, and not being able to get rid of them. Feeling trapped by them and overwhelmed by them, all the memories and whatnot that they store.
Recently I had to streamline my life completely and get rid of a bunch of things. It was hard but when I was done, I felt lighter and actually - relieved.

Posted 11 Years Ago

A towering mass of eager sentiment and coiled emotion, well done, good read.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very beautifully written. Your words are very powerful and captivating. The last stanza really packs a power punch yet it subtly written with a playful side. Love it.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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47 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 5, 2013
Last Updated on July 5, 2013


Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm
Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm


Hello, I am Neva, 4i, from Atlanta, Georgia. My latest book and videos: My latest book - Mailing Letters to the Moon rm_f1st('6','182','true','false','000000','av2j3.. more..


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