The Quest part three

The Quest part three

A Story by Cherrie Palmer

trying to avoid the firestorm


 I jumped into my car and headed back to the place I had just run from. I never believed in such things but that’s before I came face to face with a, a what? A sprit, a Cherubim, Nuriel; I’m not even sure what terminology to use. That is not important, what is important is figuring this out. My headache started to get worse and like an old pro I lit up a Winston, apparently, I had more than one pack. The rush of nicotine took the edge off my pain and the eerie tune danced in my head. The ringing of my cell phone startled me. It brought me back into focus and like a kid hiding a transgression I quickly tossed the smoke before answering my husband’s call.

“Hey, there.” He said.

“Hey yourself.”

“Well, we are headed to the river. The Walleye are calling.”

“So, you guys decided to camp out on the river after all?” I said playfully trying to sound normal.

“That’s the plan, my dear.”

“Well catch me a mess of fish and have fun,” I spoke on autopilot as I wondered what I was going to do.

“Ya, going to eat in town tonight?”

“Yes, I thought I’d pick up some stir-fry. You boys be safe and have a wonderful time. I love you.”

“Love you too. Plan on a huge fish fry when we get back. I’ll call you tonight after we get set up.”

“Okay, love you.”

“You bet, talk to you then.” With that, we both hung up the phone.

The fact I have a Shade (that’s what the old gypsy called it) leaves me with an uneasy feeling. I quickly went from wanting time alone to the need to have people around. However, now all I want is to talk to the old woman. It didn’t take me long to get to her corner of town. Last time I was here my car was the only car in the parking lot. This time there were three vehicles two old rust buckets and a Continental. I made my way to the front door. There were some papers pinned to it. I tried the door, but it was locked. I found that odd and knocked loudly. Two hard raps rang out. I giggled to myself because it sounded very official. “Hello, Hello.” There was no reply. The top paper was a newspaper article, I stared at it. The story told of an attempted fire in a warehouse.

What were the odds that she left this for me? I didn’t even know I’d come back here, how would she?

Slowly I removed the pin. The attempted warehouse fire was in the next town over, under the clipping was a pamphlet, ‘Walking with Angel’s’. The three elements are focus, a clear mind, and a switch. A switch, what did they mean by a switch. I tried the door one more time. Slowly returning to my car I studied the pamphlet.

Without thought, I grabbed a cigarette and flicked the lighter. The flame-like a spring bud glowed brightly and danced. My switch, I get it and I could see. The hooded man was walking into the basement of a house. He was carrying his duffle bag. He removed common household items from it. A rush of energy washed over him, and I could sense it. Only the young mother and child was home. They had fallen asleep on the sofa. Rage swept over me. I had to find them. I pulled out my business card and returned to the front door, then secured it with the pin.

I wasn’t sure what to do next, so I decided to head to the fire station. As I checked my rearview mirror I saw the old woman peek out the door. She quickly took my card and was gone.  I headed to 5th and Main to the Fire Station. After pulling into the parking lot I sat in my car. I didn’t know what to say or even how to say it.  I had the paper from my bedroom on my car seat. I took the two articles and placed them in my hand and headed inside.

Leaving out all words like visions and angel’s I told the Station Chief that I thought the two were related, and I saw a white man in dark clothes and a duffle bag walking around the night of the fire. He walked me back to my car. I know he thought I was a meddling, nut. My only other idea made me nervous, but it was all I had. So, I headed to the address in my vision.


© 2018 Cherrie Palmer

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An intriguing write to be sure & leaves the reader wanting more.........N

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 6 Years Ago

this one is about a ghost being ominous and a shade

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 6 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 24, 2018
Last Updated on April 2, 2018


Cherrie Palmer
Cherrie Palmer

Springfield , MO

I am a published poet and love poetry. After a lifetime of country living, I'm making a move back to town. I find my surroundings a great inspiration to me. I also have two books on Amazon Kindle: .. more..
