Endless Blue

Endless Blue

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

The sweeping wind clears the way.
As sun and rain have done the same.
Iris blooms rich in color,
and baby birds cry with hunger.
The cloudless sky is void of grey,
And the endless blue sets the stage.

© 2024 Cherrie Palmer

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dear Cherrie… Nature knows where to find Bird Sanctuaries and become our feathered friends. Rabbits and Squirrels find 🥕 carrots and 🥜 peanuts… so the young Birds can enjoy their seeds. Spring turning to Summer with Crepe Myrtle trees in Bloom in July. The blue Sky and soft Rain… Be blessed my friend, Pat

Posted 3 Weeks Ago

Cherrie Palmer

3 Weeks Ago

:) thank you Pat you are so appreciated.
A wonderful poem dear Cherrie. I feed the stray cats and the wild birds. I had to add another bird feeder. You described the world around you. Thank you dear friend for sharing the amazing poetry. I do like the morning songs of my many birds.

Posted 1 Month Ago

Cherrie Palmer

3 Weeks Ago

Thank you my good friend sorry for the slow response. I’ve been on the move for the last two month.. read more
I cant think of blue without thinking of that short and sweet David bowie song... Sound and Vision (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAuPo_OfTic)
Don't you wonder sometimes
'Bout sound and vision

Blue, blue, electric blue
That's the colour of my room
Where I will live
Blue, blue

Pale blinds drawn all day
Nothing to do, nothing to say
Blue, blue

I will sit right down,
Waiting for the gift of sound and vision
And I will sing, waiting for the gift of sound and vision
Drifting into my solitude
Over my head

Don't you wonder sometimes
'Bout sound and vision

he was a poet too:)

and your short and sweet poem gave me a a little tear too
Thank you:)

Posted 1 Month Ago

A rare spring day around here with no rain clouds, only blue sky and sunshine.
Uplifting and inspiring poem.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hi cherrie, how are you, hope you are doing good, you arent that old as you think. Your beauty shines as a young lady,

I am just trying to do whatever i can for him and my aunt/mom, hope i do best and we come out from that bad dark clouds stopping coming back again

I know by now you mjght haVe understood what and how much he is going through which i warned and was scared for him not to take a step against her.

Hope kelly figure it out now, and my brother too.

I know how much hell it is going in home. As she is lady cop is in favor for her but i will go to his mom and her centre to talk straightly.
Hope you are not hating me.

Have a lovely day i would like to see your son grow young and supporting you.

You have a happy family. I wish all the best and good to you.

Posted 2 Months Ago

It sounds so pristine and beautiful. I enjoyed the read.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Cherrie, I like the way you see the color blue at this moment…. It’s not a depressed blue mood any more, it shows someone coming out of the dark and enjoying the color blue. The clearness of it, the joy of it…. It is truly enlightening…..perhaps a new beginning….lovely
Warmly, B

Posted 3 Months Ago

Ah the swift changes and contrasts in the Weather in the UK, and I am sure, also in the good old US of A. This morning here, driving rain and a gale. This afternoon, mild and bright sunshine. Who could make it up.

I like this Piece a lot Cherrie - keep it up ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️

Posted 3 Months Ago

Cherrie Palmer

3 Weeks Ago

Thank you Tony :)
Tremendous imagery. You paint the scene well.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Cherrie Palmer

3 Months Ago

Thank you Thomas and good morning.
When I go outside in the morning, the first thing I do is look up at the sky. Sometimes i catch this "endless blue" that you describe and which I find reassuring. In these days, we need all the reassurance we can get.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Cherrie Palmer

3 Months Ago

Thank you, John. It's true this world is more divided than ever. Like you I find comfort in the na.. read more

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15 Reviews
Added on April 7, 2024
Last Updated on April 7, 2024


Cherrie Palmer
Cherrie Palmer

Springfield , MO

I am a published poet and love poetry. After a lifetime of country living, I'm making a move back to town. I find my surroundings a great inspiration to me. I also have two books on Amazon Kindle: .. more..


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