Fading Fabulousness

Fading Fabulousness

A Story by Kim

Fading Fabulousness



 While enjoying my morning coffee and a 1,000 calorie cinnamon bun I received a call from a close friend. Pushing my wondrous bun aside I took a hideous from getting fat to listen to her complaints about her husband. It was nothing out of the ordinary, just your typical chick gab, except for one detail.


Amid the rapid rotation of complaints emerged a feeling of unhappiness so profound that I worried for a moment their marriage was truly in trouble. Trouble as in, beyond repair.


This got me thinking about marriage and the art of ever lasting love. I know you have all heard that marriage is work and one must always keep at it to keep the love alive. But, what does one do when the love has faded? Can love ever be found again?


My answer is simple. Yes, love can be restored as easy as a Pinto can explode from behind. I look at this way. Marriage can be work, and one must adapt to the ever-changing environment. Also one must never forget to treat marriage as if a new car. Wash it, take care of it and drive it often.


So many times married people get lazy with their love. They forget what brought them together in the first place and that is truly regrettable. If you are like my friend and are stuck at a cross road of on happiness you best turn back time and go back to the beginning of your relationship. Find what ever it was that made you fall in love in the first place and relive it in the now.


The love may have faded, but it has not left the building. Sometimes all it takes is rediscovering each other and a little time alone. Never give up on something you love. If it once you made you happy, it can again.


© 2010 Kim

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Added on March 10, 2010
Last Updated on March 10, 2010



I'm CEO of Swagger & Saddle Entertainment and I run several radio shows. One called Author Spotlight. I am also one of the founders of The American Writers Awards. www.swaggerandsaddle.com more..

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