How To Exterminate Angels

How To Exterminate Angels

A Poem by Cole Hayley

How To Exterminate Angels


Yearning to be amongst the most fragile decadence 

we keep our love unprotected against the circling tides

gleaming of a magical prosperity. 

A metal rainbow is planted in your cerebellum 

causing you to spit in the ovaries of flowers

to keep their embryos from withering away. 

Romantic messages become static impulses

her smile becomes tar-soaked and stained.. 

The devil is looking for a persuasive catalyst 

a tainted chastity to do his malevolent bane 

and something thats able to soak blood through the purest white. 

The bedsheets can swallow their silent secrets 

deflowered in the company of a undiscerning seraph

and smelling like the sent of dopamine. 

Well stitched with our most potent incompetence 

loving the ultraviolet is an unforgivable sin, my love. 

© 2012 Cole Hayley

Author's Note

Cole Hayley

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Love, something unforgiving, something impossible?

Posted 11 Years Ago

"Romantic messages become static impulses
her smile becomes tar-soaked and stained.. "
Great thoughts and places you took me in this poem. Your poetry is always a pleasure to read. Lead the reader to new and interesting place. A outstanding poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

contains a transcendental understanding on a different frequency of human comprehension.

Posted 11 Years Ago

The music was an amazing touch to a flawless peice. Well written Cole.

Posted 11 Years Ago

stanza two is mind blowing, i just love how you look beneath the surface of 17 and find all of these incredible words to say. I see black lights in strobe, disco angels falling to the floor :) Hopefully it will take a little more than that to wipe an angel.

Posted 11 Years Ago

it would be great if you provide some background for your poems........appreciating the beauty in fragments-words and lines ,while the intended meaning eludes ain't enough,is it??????????

loved certain lines but stanzas felt disconnected.missing the train there ,perhaps?????

Posted 11 Years Ago

beautiful poem. nice work.

Posted 11 Years Ago

So pristine, yet so cynical all at the same time. Speaks of a mind at war with its soul: intent on defiling its own vision of beauty.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Cole, I have never been one for people who use big words in bunches...Especially words that even some of the greatest of minds would say "What the hell???" to....But....I am not the greatest of minds...I am just a good reviewer...And more than that I can point out fakes and flaws in the system...And your system is absolute brilliance....Your atmosphere is filled with such a static energy...You put all of your 100 percent and more into what you write...People would die to have such a sensual and deep rythym which wreaks of confidence and understanding....To put it quite simply...I think that even people like Jessica Simpson and Kevin Federline would love your writing...Not because they can understand any of it, just because you make them want to understand it.....Excellent job my friend

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is wild, crazy, good.. you blow my mind with all the metaphors for life and love or the lack there of.. and this song rocks it out perfect.. You amaze me...wise beyond your years.. Very creative..xo

Posted 11 Years Ago

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22 Reviews
Added on August 15, 2012
Last Updated on August 15, 2012


Cole Hayley
Cole Hayley

Montreal, Canada

25 / Canada I'm back ;) New series: "Name one thing in this photo" 1. Grocery list and a Love letter 2. Went Wrong 3. 24 4. The Pacific Theater 5. A SATA cable frayed 6. One Thing 7. .. more..


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