More Cole & Gwen

More Cole & Gwen

A Story by Cole Spire

Well More Gwen and the pack anyway.

The hours slowly crept by as Kali, Ascott, and Gwen all sat in the car. The hotel they were at seemed to be a hot bed for hookers, vagrants, and junkies, but not a single dealer. On top of that Kali was still and silent as stone. Ascott on the other hand had made simple if not casual conversation with Gwen. They hadn’t really had time to get to know one another but now they had a deep understanding of each other.

Ascott was Loyal to Adrianna, almost as much as Gwen was to Cole, if not stronger. He had explained that he willingly fed from Adrianna, leaving the blood bond more than intact and that; even though she made him feel like a monster more than not, she made him feel better just being there.

“Will you two hens stop with the gossip!” Kali snapped finally breaking her silence.
“You’re worse than a sewing circle.”

Ascott smirked and winked at Gwen.

“He’s here. I can almost smell him, can’t you smell the fresh blood?” Kali said slowly and smoothly getting out of the car. The door she close made no sound as the latch connected but it almost looked as if she had slammed it. She was gone a second after that.

“All I can smell is low self esteem and cheap sex…” Ascott chuckled. “She’s like a shark that one. Can smell a single drop of blood in a million.”

The Gangrel stepped from the car and stretched. His mane flowed softly from the breeze and he just shook his head. He motioned for Gwen to follow and simply walked in the direction Kali did.

The room was dank and wet. With the bed laying against the wall Gwen could see stains on it from all different portions of the body. In the middle of the room was a small t.v. that was on an actual rolling stand and rabbit ears. Static was playing from a long forgotten show and a smatter of fresh blood was dripping over the screen. Kali was in her element. A smarmy looking man had been tied to a chair and his head was pulled back to look up at the ceiling. His shirt had been discarded and his pants were around his ankles. Kali looked up at Ascott and Gwen as they entered.

“Took you two long enough. I was about to give him a happy ending when he finally gave me a name.”

Ascott growled a little and looked at the captive. He could almost smell the Vitae in the room.

“Well?” was all he said.

The man looked at Kali with his eyes and then they darted to Ascott and Gwen. It was obvious to Gwen then that The man’s hair had been tied to the back of the chair. He couldn’t move.

Kali lifted on foot and place her heel against the man’s groin. She was sure he would talk, all she had to do was apply pressure and the spiked heel of her boot would cause him more pain than any man could bear. “Speak boy!” she said as if talking to a pet dog.

Ascott frowned when the dealer remained silent. Kali was on him then. Her foot pushed forward as she lifted herself upward to a standing position. The man’s eyes rolled back and he screamed in a gurgling kind of way. Kali was on one foot then and Gwen saw her drop maybe an inch, that was followed by an even louder cry and a panting moan of
“please no more… I’ll talk.”

Gwen could see Ascott wince. He also crossed his legs and sat back. “Did you have to do that in front of me? I mean I am still male you know?”

It was then that Gwen realized what had popped. Kali had crushed one of the man’s testicles.

“Name!” Kali hissed almost seductively.

“King DeeBo!” the man shrieked as he felt pressure being placed on his other working testicle. “He makes the s**t! I don’t know how I only sell it!”

“Where do you get it?” Ascott chimed in.

“Abandoned warehouse! Off of Collage Parkway!”

Kali pouted and huffed. “Damn… he squealed.”

“And?” Ascott barked coldly. “He’s scum selling our blood for profit!”

Before Kali could react Ascott had leapt forward knocking the man and chair over. But there wasn’t a Vampire attacking the dealer, not it was a lion, a full, wild, huge honest to God lion! Blood sprayed everywhere and the man’s cries died soon after. Ascott reformed and looked at Gwen, his eyes red and whole front drenched.

“Great… now I have eunuch stuck in my teeth.” he spat and a chunk of flesh hit the floor.

“Well… now we know where. Lets go before the maid comes in.”

Kali and Ascott motioned for Gwen to follow and then made it back to the car.

© 2010 Cole Spire

Author's Note

Cole Spire
just and excerpt. Enjoy, all comments welcome.

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"They hadn’t really had time to get to know one another but now they had a deep understanding of each other."

this sentence contradicts itself, if they havn't had time to get to know one another, how would they suddenly understand each other deeply? I don't know maybe i'm reading it wrong but it's odd either way you look at it. Because this is an excerpt maybe I need to read the previous entry.

"Static was playing from a long forgotten show and a smatter of fresh blood was dripping over the screen. Kali was in her element."

smatter in this sentence does not belong. Perhaps you meant splatter? smatter means to possess a bit of knowledge in somthing.

Those were the only two issues that stuck out to me. You're grammer and overall sentence structure was pretty good. Good transitions, choice or words gave each paragraph an apt crisp flow.

Also the part about the poor guy's testicle popping made me cringe, well done. This being only an except I was a bit lost as to what all was happening but from what I did read it was a pretty enjoyable ride.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


"They hadn’t really had time to get to know one another but now they had a deep understanding of each other."

this sentence contradicts itself, if they havn't had time to get to know one another, how would they suddenly understand each other deeply? I don't know maybe i'm reading it wrong but it's odd either way you look at it. Because this is an excerpt maybe I need to read the previous entry.

"Static was playing from a long forgotten show and a smatter of fresh blood was dripping over the screen. Kali was in her element."

smatter in this sentence does not belong. Perhaps you meant splatter? smatter means to possess a bit of knowledge in somthing.

Those were the only two issues that stuck out to me. You're grammer and overall sentence structure was pretty good. Good transitions, choice or words gave each paragraph an apt crisp flow.

Also the part about the poor guy's testicle popping made me cringe, well done. This being only an except I was a bit lost as to what all was happening but from what I did read it was a pretty enjoyable ride.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on June 22, 2010
Last Updated on June 22, 2010


Cole Spire
Cole Spire

Holloween Town, NV

"Being a writer is like having homework for the rest of your life." -Hank Moody Those are words so true that it is scarey! Aloha! My name is Cole Spire. Colstainous Spirion to be exact but mos.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Story by Cole Spire

Cole & Gwen Cole & Gwen

A Story by Cole Spire