Cole Spire

Cole Spire


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Holloween Town, NV
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About Me

"Being a writer is like having homework for the rest of your life."
-Hank Moody

Those are words so true that it is scarey!

My name is Cole Spire. Colstainous Spirion to be exact but most people don't want to even try and pronounce that, so Cole works just fine.

I am an author of many talents that i have been dying to share with avid readers. But I must warn you, and warn you well that I write LONG stories and LONG books. If you are looking for an adventure to take your mind on then you have come to the right place. I have the first four chapters up of a book I have published, so consider it a free tease.

I am always in the mood for a good discussion and I could always use a laugh. i try to get to my read requests as fast as possible but Life tends to get in the way and I sometimes get backed up.

I am almost done with my second Novel, and it is a sequal to the one I got published, there is an excerpt posted if you want to give it a looksie but i doubt you'll know what is going on.

I Love fantasy and so much so that I am taking on the task of creating my own world. This is my Book; Sky Captain Xavier. If you want to lose yourself to a new world, then my suggestion is take a gander at that.

I try different things all the time, so you might see a horror story from me one day and a love story the next. Who knows.

Keep a weather eye on the horizon, because I plan on making a big splash.

hoping to getting to know you all soon,
Cole Spire


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Posted 14 Years Ago

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I only check about once every 2 weeks here anymore.
College now. Pretty soon It'll be months. ya know?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

not sure if you're still on cole, just wanted to see how you've been.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hello cole, how you been?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

glad you liked infection.
it came out around the time I wrote Dirt. when I was more into action and suspense work. I still tread back to that ground now and then (I am No One) but my work's more focused and dramatic now. I do miss making kick a*s fight scenes though.

and thanks for the review of Dream Long Gone.
be sure to message me when your next work is done man, I'll be waiting.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

no problem cole. thanks for the review. sorry I haven't been around to chat. just been busy. glad you enjoyed Fairer Side of the Sunset.
thanks again.

if you ever want a review on a story, just send me a request through a comment. (my request isn't working for some reason)

so how you been?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey, my essay on music will be up within the next few weeks-I'm just organising the research before I get some hardcore writing done.

I think you'll like it-a lot of it is inspired by the Smashing Pumpkins latest DVD 'If All Goes Wrong' which actually mentions some of the things we talked about.

Anyways, hope you have a great new year-I'm not really one for celebrating it, its just another year to me! But anyway.

Take care!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I heard quantom of solace was a bit of a letdown but Casino Royale was easily the best bond of the series. I think Daniel Craig is not only the best bond, but the best thing ever to happen to the character.
was an amazing movie.
and with a title song that doesn't have a whiny jazz tune with the movie title in it!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

thanks cole. glad you enjoyed dirt (one of my older, but still one of my fav stories) wrote it when I was 14-15 after seeing sin city. thanks as well for the review of buttons, glad you enjoyed it.
My writings more dramatic/humorous now save for a few more intense works. after Dirt and Infection (a 28 weeks later, zombie story I did) I didnt do as many action stories. worked on a novel called Animal (had 12 of 20 chapters complete) which was a western revenge story, actaully far more violent than dirt (i know lol), which, funny enough, had a blind villain.

Charlie was my second blind character (I have three) and I'm glad you like him. :)

so how you been?