My Sunrise

My Sunrise

A Poem by Colton Warr

Nothing compares...


 My Sunrise

A Poem by Colton Warr

Nothing compares to My Sunrise

I can eternally see it in her eyes

It is the feeling of a thousand highs

For her, there will be no compromise


Nothing compares to watching her sleep

As I listen to her breathe, she is so at peace  

I felt no pain when I took this leap

It is her that I plan to keep


Nothing compares to her cute little stretches

She is so smooth around the edges

More beautiful than a million sketches

My love for her is reckless


Nothing compares to her bloom

I want to love her until the tomb

She is everything so dear and so true

Nothing compares to waking up next to you 

© 2014 Colton Warr

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Wow! Now that's love...awesome!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much, Marcus! I'm glad you liked this one! Thanks for stopping by and checking this o.. read more

9 Years Ago

you're a lucky guy!
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I really loved this. It warmed my soul.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much, Mia! I'm glad you enjoyed this one and i'm even more glad that it warmed your sou.. read more
great romantic poem you got here. Every word seems very thought out and passionate. This shows that your deeply in love. Great write, keep it up.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much, Jay! I appreciate you stopping by and checking this one out! I'm glad you enjoyed.. read more
Nothing compares to My Sunrise
I can eternally see it in her eyes
It is the feeling of a thousand highs
For her, there will be no compromise

a very nice stanza which express your another shade i.e a pure love.

Nothing compares to her cute little stretches
She is so smooth around the edges
More beautiful than a million sketches
My love for her is reckless

i like this one.

a very beautiful poem. and i am sure the girl would be more beautiful than your poem cause words fail to express beauty.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I appreciate you stopping by and giving this a read! You do have a point, no matt.. read more

9 Years Ago

you are welcome :)
This is so sweet. I love it.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much, Breana! Im glad you liked it! Thanks for giving it a read!
Beautiful words for I would say a beautiful woman. Great words and well structured which after this much time you already know. Thanks

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Willard! I appreciate you stopping by and giving this one a read! Thank you for the posit.. read more
Aww this is so sweet and so romantic:)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!
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This is a well constructed poem although I must say I am 'slightly' disappointed to see the entire poem written with a third person point of view suddenly switch to a second person point of view in the very last line for the sake of rhyme. This opinion is not meant to belittle your poem. It is just an observation that stems from seeing such patterns in the past.

Keep up the good work.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much, Autumn! Your point is a valid one. I never take anything like that the wrong way .. read more
Oh wow! This was sweet and beautiful!
Love is something so beautiful which transforms your world! I still know though I haven't ever been in love!
Well written!

-Anahat :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I'm happy that you enjoyed this one! Don't worry, your time is coming!! Thanks fo.. read more
this is wow! :)
I like it! did write so well. I can feel the love in it
wanting to be with the person you love til the last day of your life..this is great!:)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words! Thanks for stopping by and reading this!

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56 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on November 24, 2014
Last Updated on November 25, 2014
Tags: Love, Heart, Kiss, Beautiful, Sunrise, Sleeping


Colton Warr
Colton Warr

Morgantown, WV

Rolling Stone... Twitter: @colton_warr Instagram: colton_warr Facebook: Colton Warr more..


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